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The emptiness you feel when everything you love in the world is gone. Left you alone to wither into nothingness.

The problem is though, you're always supposed to get covered up with a blanket. You're meant to warm up sooner or later, to be able to find the light you were looking for.

I just haven't found that yet.

The world spins on, not knowing the troubles of the people in it. The people who want to escape, who want to be free. The people who are content and spend their days with their families. And then there's the people who are trapped. They're suffocating, waiting for demise. They're too strong to give up, yet too weak to carry on. The one's that are just... stuck. The one's whose mind is dragging them away. Dragging them to the edge and then back to the start.

The mind is a complicated thing. The darkness or light of it can consume you in an instant. You can struggle all you want, but you can never escape from the grasp of yourself.

We all have our monsters. Mine are just a little more... prominent. And a little harder to deal with.

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