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My life is a ticking time bomb.

And then you add my family.

And it explodes.

When I got home after my torturous day of dress shopping, my mom bombarded me with questions.

"What did you get?"

"A dress."

"What kind, silly!"

"A long one?"

"Let me see! Did you try it on?"

"No and never."

And that's how about thirty minutes of my life went. Me answering stupid questions while my mom asked them.

The next task was to drag the heavy dress up the steps, down the hall, and into my bedroom.

The maroon walls shown back at me as I threw the dress in front of my closet, to lazy to actual hang it up.

My bed looked like heaven in that moment, so I grabbed the comforter down and pulled it over me as I cuddled with my pillow. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts run wild.

Sheep. Why do people always count sheep when they try to sleep. I mean, why not cows or cats? Even dogs! It just didn't make sense.

How can love be powerful? I mean, I've never really experienced pure, unconditional love towards someone, but still. I understand the main concept of 'if you truly love someone you don't care how they look, only about what's on the inside'. Before I continue, I have a statement. Don't criticize me when I say this. Okay? Okay.

Everybody cares about looks. No matter what. It's something you can't control. You do it without thinking. You judge and read into a situation before knowing anything about what's going on.

And the last thought that popped into my mind before I drifted into oblivion was as follows.

1 sheep. 2 sheep. 3 sheep. 4 sheep. 5 sheep. 6 sheep. 7 shee... Blank.


Hola people of the internet. This chapter is sorta kinda long, based on the length of what I've been writing.

I can't thank you all enough for the wonderful comments I've gotten about this story.

The votes I've gotten are amazing. I didn't think anybody would even see this.

Please remember to vote/comment/follow/count nonexistent sheep in your head during school to preoccupy your time. :D

Have a wonderful day you perfect person. Much love,

Charlie <3

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