The Grumpy Man in Blue >> Leonard "Bones" McCoy X Reader

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Simon scrambles to his feet, smacking his knees as he rises to salute. "Captain! We - no! We weren't gossiping!"

Anders shakes her head, and scoots closer to you to make room for the captain. "We totally were talking about Dr. McCoy. It's lunch, man, and he's not here. Care to join the loser table?" she offers like she speaks to the man in charge like she often converses with people up on the main bridge of the ship on the regular.

"You know what? I'd love to." Jim grins, lowering himself into the bench. Opposite, Simon is beacon of red, a human embodiment of a blush, and Martinez is silent. "So, what's the hot talk down in the Medbay? You know, besides my good friend Bones."

"I've been working with engineering to create an early warning device to be set up at entrances and exits to warn of foreign bacteria contracted while on an unexplored planet," Martinez blurts out.

Kirk raises a brow. "That's so cool! Good job, man!"

You push your plate away from you. "What brought you here, Captain?" you ask, leaning forward to see through Anders' tall hair. "You're not one to traipse into the cafeteria often, and I sense an ulterior motive here."

Kirk raises his eyebrows.

"Don't mind her," Anders pushes you back, giving a big toothy smile, "She's the leading psychologist on board."

Captain Kirk grins. "You read me like a book, Miss..."

You hold your hand out across Anders' front for him to shake. "Nurse ________, pleasure to meet you Captain," you greet, and add, "Although I'm a doctorate in psychology, but nurse in medicine."

Martinez rolls his eyes. "Why don't you just call yourself Dr. ________?" he blurts.

The captain nods. "Why not?"

Anders slides down the bench as so to sit on the floor below the table, and ignoring her dramatics, you brush hair from your face. "If I was just a psychologist on Earth, sure, but here...I'm not here to analyse the mind primarily. I don't want to be confused as overqualified in an emergency, plus, it's embarrassing to have a PhD at twenty." you admit.

Simon nods. "Tell me about it..."

After lunch is over, you feel a hand on your elbow, and glance up to see the honey-mustard yellow shirt that stood out over the lunch table like a sore thumb. It's the captain, and in his eyes is a look you're used to hearing over and over again from your superior officer Dr. McCoy.

"I need to ask you a favour," his voice is low, eyes searching for eavesdroppers not inherently dropping eaves at that moment nearby, "I need you to keep an eye on Dr. McCoy this week. It's ... I know it's none of my business, or yours ... but he needs someone near him he can rely on, and it's -,"

Your face pales. "Are you asking me to interfere with his behaviour if my superior officer becomes grumpy?" The words sound as incredulous and silly as they did inside your head spoken aloud.

Captain Kirk shakes his head, and biting his lip, nods. "Just ... you're a psychologist. You've been around him for a year now ... please, you have to trust me on this." He pleads.

You close your eyes. "You have no idea what trouble I can get into for spying on my boss," you gush, but before the yellow-clad man before you can speak more words to convince you, you add, "But I'll do it. Because whatever he's going through, I can help more than anyone else aboard this ship."

Jim Kirk goes to interrupt, but a woman calls his name out. She's wearing red, and looks in a hurry. "Thank you so much, Nurse ______, you have no idea what good you're going to do."

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