CHAPTER 16 | the weakest link

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📎A/N. Hello dear friends, I'm a bit under the weather, so found it a little difficult to focus on this chapter. Hopefully there aren't too many glaring errors.

Have a good and safe weekend.

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An instant after Deacon called out Ananya's name and disappeared into his office, his secretary popped her head out of a room at the far end of the corridor. "Be right with you dearie's."

With that, she was gone, only to reappear a moment later. She ambled towards them, rested her hand on the small of her back and grimaced. "Rain's coming, I can feel it in my bones."

As she came closer, her wrinkles multiplied when she gave Keira a sympathetic smile. From her expression, she knew about Marcus. This was confirmed a moment later when she shook her head and sighed. "Such a tragic waste."

Not waiting for an answer, she turned to Dayna and peered over the rims of her glasses. "You must be the sister?"

Dayna nodded and beamed at Ananya. "That's me. I'm so pleased to meet you. From what Deacon's told me, you're the one really in charge around here."

The diminutive secretary laughed. "He did, did he? Well, at least he knows which side of the bread his butter is on." Ananya cocked her head and winked. "But that doesn't mean I'm working next Wednesday. Apocalypse or no apocalypse, I am going to that bingo tournament, and you can take your own damn calls," she said as she raised her voice towards the door in which Deacon had vanished through.

Keira glanced towards the stairs that lead to the ground floor and the fake blood bank. She was a little nervous the others would arrive ahead of schedule, and she wanted Dayna out of sight before then. "Did Deacon tell you what we need?" she asked.

Ananya nodded. "It's all set up. No one will know you're here." She indicated for Dayna to follow her and turned, only to stiffen and reach for her back again. "Or it could be I just need a hip replacement," she muttered.

Dayna thanked Deacon's petite elderly secretary and looked to Keira. "Don't forget, if you need anything you call."

"And you make sure you stay out of sight," said Keira as she pushed her sister in the direction Ananya had headed.

The sooner Dayna was out of sight, the more comfortable she would be. While she could understand Deacon's reluctance to leave her alone, even under the protection of his vampires, it didn't lessen the worry over the possibility of Dayna being spotted by the wrong people.

"Chillax sis, or you'll accidently set fire to something," Dayna said as she and Anaya started up the corridor.

Ananya stopped and looked up at Dayna. "She can do that?"

Dayna nodded.

"Where were you when I wanted to burn down that monstrosity the neighbours put up in their front yard," Ananya grumbled as she darted a glance at Keira. She turned back to Dayna and sighed. "Come on blondie, let's get you sorted."

"I'm not sure my sister does house calls, but I can give you a recipe for a magic Molotov cocktail that might do the trick."

Keira's brows shot up. "Dayna," she called out in a warning tone.

"What?" Dayna said over her shoulder.

Ananya tucked her arm into Dayna's. "How close do I need to be to throw it? I'm not exactly as young as I used to be."

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