CHAPTER 4 | an unexpected arrival

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📎A/N. Happy Memorial Weekend to all of my American readers!

We last left Keira and Ryker at Mystery Hill, where Keira explained to Ryker why she thought the coven was being targeted.

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Take care,

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Ryker stood rooted to the spot and stared at her. Keira couldn't tell from his expression, what thoughts were running through his head. He was immobile, his face looked as if it were etched in stone. In the dim light, the only thing she could ascertain was that his intense blue eyes were fixed on her. 

With each second that passed, the silence became thick and uncomfortable.

A thought suddenly struck her and she tensed. Keira had assumed that the possible return was something he would fear.

Oh, mother earth, how could I have been so wrong to trust an acolyte?

Keira glanced towards the Keepers Chamber. She would be safe if she could make it into its protection. How am I going to make it there before he cuts off my path?

"If you didn't want to tell me, you could have just said so instead of blaming it on a fairy tale," Ryker said as he snatched the box and headed down the path. His stiff gait as he passed by her indicated just how angry he was.

Keira's mouth dropped at his scathing tone. What the?

She raced to catch up with him. "I was telling you the truth."

Ryker halted so fast she almost didn't stop in time. In an instant, he had spun to face her, and she flinched as he towered over her as it eyes flashed ominously at her. "Look, these were good people. I want to find who did this so their families can have some closure. I don't need some delusional witch doctor putting the blame on a fictional bogeyman. People did this, whether it was Supernatural, Gifted or Natural. It was a person, not some mythical creature."

"I'm not saying a person didn't do this," she argued as she waved her hand in the direction they had come. "I'm just saying that the people behind this are trying to—"

Ryker cut her off before she could finish. "If you even try and float your nutbar ideas to the families, I'll run you out of town so fast your broom won't be able to catch up with you. You were asked here to help us find who did this, not scare people into thinking that myths are behind this."

Keira was confused. How did he not know about his origins?

Deacon knew the purpose of the Crossroads and its coven, so therefore, the knowledge of why it existed was a foregone conclusion. How was it that someone he considered his son wouldn't also be in possession of the same information?

Over the years, Keira had met numerous vampires and demons. While it wasn't unusual for younger vampires to be oblivious to the tumultuous past that spawned them into existence, she had been confident that someone with Ryker's responsibility would be more educated on the subject.

She was about to plead her case when Ryker's phone pierced the night air. He threw an irritated glare at her as he answered. "Ryker."

Keira breathed out a sigh of relief when he turned his head away. She was sure she was on the brink of faltering under the weight of his unwavering stare. Her mind was still in turmoil at his accusation. It didn't sit well that he was dismissing her as a nutcase.

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