"You're so arrogant that it's not even funny." She spat. "Who do you think you are, rich boy?"

I think that I'm entitled to higher royalty than you, Jersey peasent.

"You know what, I'm not even going to argue with you." I chuckled. "I forgot that you were insane."

"Shut your face, Dre." She growled.

"Look, like I said earlier I'm not going to argue with you." I sighed. "You wanted to go on this stupid date, so let's get this over with."

"You're the one who suggested it!" She yelled.

"You're right." I nodded. "So, let me be a man of my word and take you on a date. It would be nice if you shut your mouth and let me do me. Thanks in advance."

I felt like putting duct tape over her mouth and only letting her speak when I wanted her to.

She didn't speak to me the rest of the car ride. I tried to crack a few jokes to lighten the mood, and she would laugh but still wouldn't talk. Oh well. I kind of didn't want her to, anyway.


All night I had been waiting for Andreson to make an appearance at his own house. He didn't even show up to school today, and oddly Lisa told me that she hadn't seem him since last night. How typical of a guy like him. Even though I knew it didn't matter if I seen him, but it wasn't like Lisa was paying me to look at the walls all day.

I just sat at the the table in the dining room and waited. I didn't get any permission in this house to do anything else just yet.

Suddenly I heard the front door open and someone came inside. I heard Andreson's deep voice talking to someone and I wondered who it was. Hopefully it wasn't his buddy because I wasn't ready to deal with his crazy ass.

When he came into the kitchen, he immediately noticed me there waiting for him. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I looked at him. The more I saw him, the better he looked. He had a unique choice of clothing, always wearing Timbs, Nike, or Jordans with his baggy jeans along with wife beaters and polo shirts.

Let's not forget the bandana he always kept with him, either tired around his head or in his pocket. He was just perfect looking. I loved his dark, silky hair and his dark brown eyes. There was no question on whether or not he was attractive; I knew that pretty much every girl most likely felt that he was.

I should have known that they would be close by. A girl came in right behind him and she might as well have been glued to his hip. She had on a tight mini dress and stilettos, and her long black hair was curled. Her face was full of makeup and I guess she enjoyed looking like an evil clown.

"What's up, Isa?" He smiled at me. "This is my friend, Money. We're just having a little date night is all."

"Hi." I tried my hardest to crack a smile.

I didn't know what it was about this girl, but her vibe was terrible. She had the meanest look on her face, and you could tell right off the bat that she wasn't anything like how she appeared to be.

"And she is?" Money asked with stinch in her attitude.

"Isa." He said, proudly. "She works for my mother, and she's a very good friend of mine. We go to school together."

"Well, isn't that cute?" She snickered. I knew that she was being sarcastic.

I'm sure Andreson knew too, just by the glare that he gave her.

"Isa, you and I are gonna eat in the living room while Andree has his little date." Lisa said as she handed me by plate. "Come on, darling."

I looked at Andreson and clown face one last time before following Lisa into the living room. I sat down across from her on the floor and said my grace.

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