Chapter 16- Mattress Slide

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, but you need to show that you don't know anything, if you show signs of knowing the truth he might hurt you even sooner than before." Jake apologized. I knew he was right, but Blake acted so genuine and kind. To think all those times he didn't care felt like a knife in my heart, and Jake repeating it over and over felt as if someone was twisting the knife.  

"Can we get to a different topic?" Tom suggested. "It seems like a little too much for Blue to take in right now." He sighed. I smiled, happy that he understood that I coudn't handle what was happening. 

"Let's just have one day of normality... No hate, fighting, betrayl crap. Just a lovely day with my  brother and best friend." I suggested.  

"Doing...?" Jake asked.  

"Movies, games. I dunno, but none of the guys can be here. Just us three, okay?" I said happily. It might be a good idea to have me and them just being together without something getting in the way. We  can do that right? Let's hope.

"No! I said don't do that!" I yelled as Tom settled the mattress at the top of the stairs and I shook my head as Jake held onto the back. Tom proudly sat on it, will a pink helmet set on his head. 

"1! 2! 3!" Tom yelled. Jake pushed the mattress and it slid down the stairs with Tom on top. Sadly, it didn't last long because it got caught on one of the steps, making Tom fly off and roll down the stairs. I burst out laughing at his shocked expression as he lied there on the ground. Jake was laughing as well, holding on to his sides as he did. I smiled at the fact today was finally drama free, for once I'm not worrying about  something. Maybe I can get things back to normal, throwing Jake back into the equation.  

"Well," Tom spoke. "Let's do that again!" He cheered. I shook my head, chuckling at the boy that  sat before me. I saw his eyes light up with a sparkle that hasn't been there for a while, and I was happy it finally showed up again. No matter what Tom will always be a person that I can't live without, someone I would never be able to forget, even if we did wind up drifting apart. He looked up at me, giving me his perfect smile, which I returned. I noticed the small dimple on his left cheek as he smiled and that's how I knew it was real, when he has that dimple. Something's been up with him for the past month or so, but if this is what it takes to get him back to normal I'll do it.  

"Are you sure?" Jake asked. "You can break your neck, and God knows if you did that we'd have a  lot of explaining to do."  

"You mean I'd have a lot of explaining to do." I said with a pointed look. Jake shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to the idiot in front of me. He look really funny with a sparkling pink bike helmet on his head. I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture... this is definantly getting posted online. A phone  began to ring and I looked up to see Jake smiling sheepishly.  

"Sorry, I gotta take this." he said looking at the caller idea. I nodded my head and he walked away with a somber expression on his face, obviously he didn't want to talk to who ever was calling.

Blake's POV

"You gotta get your act together!" He yelled at me. "She's not dead, no she's perfectly fine and  breathing. She's not heart broken or crying damnit! Keel couldn't do his job and now you can't."  

"I'm sorry, but... I dunno, it's hard, man. She looks at me with those eyes and it seems wrong ya know. I mean she'd be a great addition to the gang instead of dead. Think about it, I mean-"  

"No." He interupted. "She has too big of a heart. She loves her friends, she'd never turn her back on them. Besides, she's not able to kill, she can fight, but she can't kill. She's just in our way, and so is her friends, so do something."  

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