Chapter 16- Mattress Slide

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Tom's POV 

I woke up with a small amount of pressure on my chest and my arms wrapped around something small. I opened my eyes to see that Blue was sleeping in my arms. I look around to see lavender walls and a dark purple comforter draped over us. To the left was a oak wood desk and a purple lamp shade, with white trimming. I was in Blue's room, and that was when last nights events came back to me. Jake was alive and walking, one of best friends was a traitor trying to kill the girl I lo- like, and Blue's boyfriend is also a traitor. On the plus side, Mr. Keel was fired and will be put in jail for assault.  

I looked down again to see Blue's hair rested on her shoulders and part of her face, her lips open just enough to see her front teeth. Looking at her like this makes you see the Blue that everyone else see's, but more. This girl is more vulnerable, her walls aren't up to protect her, she's completely relaxed, unaware of what's around her. I love not seeing her tense and guarded, but peacful and relaxed. She always relaxes when she's in my arms, and that's how I know I have a chance.  

I felt her stir and I bit the inside of my lip, hoping she wouldn't wake. She finally stopped moving and snuggled deeper into my chest. I tightened my grip on her, loving the feeling of her in my arms. I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to Jake leaning against the door frame, a knowing look on his face. 

"So, she either asked you to sleep in here, or you snuck into her room without her permission, which gives me permission to kick your ass. Actually, just doing this makes me allowed to kick your ass, or  maybe all of the times you guys have-"  

"Yeah, let's not go into detail about that." I cut him off.  

"Yeah, well I do see almost everything that happens with you two. Which is dissapointing, because when I left you to take care of her I didn't mean it like that." He smirked, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, which is embarassing considering I'm a guy.  

"Yeah, well." I swallowed hard. "Sorry?" I tried.  

"Yeah, well I just wish you didn't let her get into so much trouble." He said giving me a pointed look. I looked back down at the sleeping angel in my arms and felt a smile form on my lips. I pushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear.  

"You love her." Jake stated.  

"W-what? N-no way, dude. It's a crush, a silly little crush." I tried, but he just gave me look that said, 'You-can-do-better-than-that' and I know he's right. What am I thinking? I can't lie to myself and say I don't love, Blue. And even if Jake hasn't directly interacted with me in a few years, he still knew me like the back of his hand. "You're right." I whispered.  

"Than do something about it." Jake urged.  

"I can't." I sighed. Before Jake could retort, I heard a small groan come from Blue's soft lips. I looked down to see her nose crinkle and her eyes flutter open and shut a few times before they stayed open.  

"Hey." She said in a soft, silky voice.  

"Morning." I whispered.  

"Okay, atleast wait till I'm out of the room before you guys get all coupley." Jake groaned. Blue's  head snapped up to look at him and her smile vanished. Her lips now in a tight line.  

"We're not together, I'm with Blake. Or at least I thought I was till..." She trailed off. I felt bad because she had this sad, broken look in her eyes that made me want to hold her tighter, and tell her to screw him, that she had me. Sadly, that wouldn't be such a great idea.  

"Let's get breakfast." I suggested.

Blue's POV

"So, I have to pretend that I have no clue that my boyfriend is pretending to have feelings for me and actually wants to kill me?" I asked Jake. I hated the idea of pretending not know the guy I had feelings for never had any real feelings for me. That I was some sort of pawn in his sick, twisted game that I didn't understand.  

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