Chapter 13

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I lifted my head up groggily and groaned, my head killed. I looked around for everyone else and saw them in the same state I am. I sat up slowly, seeing spots in my vision. Everything around me is partially blurry.

I stand up and almost fall over from being so dizzy, my friends moved a lot slower. Soon we were all on our feet, stretching our tensed up muscles. I spot Jake clenching and un-clenching his hands over and over and each time he flinches.

I looked over at Nathan and I see that he’s knocked out cold. I rushed over to him, sliding down at his side. I shook his head and muttered his name over and over. I checked his pulse and felt it thumping faintly against my first two fingers.

I could still see his hands glowing, his whole body’s glowing, in fact, but it starts to fade. I get on top of him when I feel his pulse slowly fade away and clasp my hands over his chest and push rapidly.

The glow started to come back, indicating he’s still alive. His eyes snapped open and he sits up quickly, pushing me off, gasping for air. He rolled to his side and goes into an all-fours position. After he caught his breath, he started to cry out in pain. I helped him stand up and realized that his glow was completely gone. He starts to fall again and all of us kept him on his feet.

“Are you OK?” I stammered.

“That… hurt,” He managed to throw us a sad smile, then he was hit with another wave of pain. He clutched his chest and fell to the ground. He started coughing loudly and then a wisp of blue-white glow erupts from his mouth, it floated away towards the sky to never be seen again.

Nathan looked at us with cold sweat drenching his face, and we watch as his eyes flutter to the back of his eyes and he passed out.


Jake and Jason sat Nathan against the house we seemed to be at, in the backyard. The house looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. We all huddled around Nathan, unsure of what to do next.

“We have to find Daniel,” I said and crouched, “With or without Nathan.”

“But we have no idea where to go, we don’t even know where we are!” Olivia tried to reason.

“Just let me go check the street signs, I’ll be back!” I’m out of the backyard before anyone could say anything. It was dark, probably dawn and the sun hadn’t risen yet. The grass was wet and I could feel the water go through the black mesh of my shoes.

The backyard seemed to be at the bottom of a slope, and the house rested on the slope. Up by the street, it was all leveled out. I looked for a street corner and see the names of the streets. We seem to be on the corner of Athena and Rose.

I remembered this street, I remembered a red car with a dent in the bumper and a black sticker slapped on the rear windshield. I look around and spot a car in the driveway of the house I just walked away from. The red car with the dent in the back and the black bumper sticker was sitting in the driveway.

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