Chapter Five

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Justin’s POV:

It was now mid noon—and I still couldn’t focus on work.

Selena’s face kept running through my mind. I hope she’s okay.

A knock on my door once again interrupted my thoughts, and I swear if it’s Kelly coming back begging on her knees I was gonna call the cops.

I got up from my seat forcefully and walked to the door opening it up fast not paying attention to who it was.

“Look Kelly—I’ve told you a million times too—“I said, but stopped mid-sentence when I looked up seeing Selena with Chris.

“Se—Selena?” I said stumbling over my words in shock. Was she really here? Selena actually came here? “Oh my God baby, I’ve missed you so much.” I said pulling her into a tight hug. “Baby, please never leave me again.” I said into her hair.

“What about me?” Chris said crossing his arms. I let go of Selena and looked down at Chris and kneeled to his level.

“I’ve missed you too little buddy.” I smiled. I pulled Chris into a hug and that’s when I felt how warm his body was. “Hey bud, you’re really warm.” I said placing the back of my hand on his head.

“Actually Justin that’s why I came—“Selena began. I looked up at her, and then stood straight back up.

“Come into my office,” I said moving sideways to make room.

Selena grabbed Chris’ hand and walked into the office. She took Chris over to the couch that I had in there and laid him down and walked over to my desk and sat down in my swivel chair—her favorite chair to sit in whenever she came and visit me while at work--while I leaned against my desk, not bothered to sit down.

“So—why—why did you come here?” I said in between clearing my throat.

“I was wondering if you could watch Chris while I go run some errands real fast. I don’t want him out while he’s sick—and everyone else is busy for the day.” She said avoiding my eyes. “And I was also maybe just thinking he could spend the night—he—he really misses his dad.” She says finally looking up to me.

Whose fault is that--I wanted to say. Whose fault is it that Chris can’t see his dad?

“It’s fine—I miss the scamp my self.” I said looking over to Chris for a second seeing he was sleep. I looked back to Selena and saw her smiling.

“So—um, does that mean—you’re not coming back?” I said after a while.

“No.” She said quietly.

“When—when do you think you’ll be back?” I asked swallowing a big lump in my throat.

“Justin—I don’t know.” She sighed.

“Well you need to come home now. I miss you and Chris. I need to know you’re okay. You’re my wife and you’re pregnant with our second child.” I said the words just slipping from my mouth.

“Justin—things right now—I don’t know. I’m really stressed out—and I don’t want to be even more stressed out if I’m always in your way, and you’re yelling at me.”

I sighed and kneeled in front of her.

“Selena listen to me—babe you’ll never be in my way. I don’t know what was wrong with me that night. I need to apologize for what I said to you—I meant NONE of it. You have to believe me.” I said literally begging.

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