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Meghan's POV:

Being a teacher is harder than I thought. Apparently, the kids think that it's okay to go nuts just because I have no clue what I'm doing, and I have never been here before. I've been standing here for ten minutes trying to calm them down, and I'm about to get pissed.

"Everyone in their seats now, or I will call Mr Puth down here!" I scream through the room. They all look at me with terrified faces, and they sit in their assign seats that I had assigned them. Mr Puth walks in at that very moment. And I give him a smile.

"How is everyone today?" he asks in a hoarse, sexy voice. They all reply with a 'good', and he turns to me with a grin etched across his face. "Are you doing okay?"

I simply nod my head with a smile, and he give me a last cheeky grin and exits the room. I turn back to the large class of gifted eighth graders, and some of the girls have raised eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes playfully.

"You're welcome," I say. "I don't have very many rules except be kind to your fellows classmates, and you need to work as hard as you can."

They all nod their heads, and I show them around my classroom. They all follow along for the rest of class, and I feel satisfied with my students. They aren't as bad when they listen to me.

When the bell rings, they all rush out to lunch and free time. I sit at my desk for about ten minutes, scanning over the All About Me papers that I had them all do earlier. As soon as I begin to stand up and walk out of the room, I hear my door open. I see Mr Puth, Charlie when the kids aren't around, walk inside the room. He smiles genuinely at me, and I push my wheely chair under my desk. I look up and smile at him back, letting my curly hair bounce over my shoulders.

"How's your first day going?" he asked. I nod my head with a small smile.

"Good. Thank you so much for all of your help. You've helped me quite a bit actually," I say with a small chuckle following. He nods his head.

"I came to ask if you wanted to go on lunch and free time duty with me?" he asks. I hum at him, looking down at the text message my best friend sent me.

"I'm sorry. My friend sent me a text, but I'd love to," I say, trying to avoid my rudeness. He shakes his head.

"It's alright, lets head out because they're all about to be out, too," he says. I nod my head and follow him out into the halfway. We walk towards the cafeteria, and we go inside the cafeteria to see kids running around and eating lunch.

"What have you always done for a living before this?" he asks curiously.

"I actually went to school to be a lawyer, but I tried it for a few years. It didn't work out because I didn't like it, so I decided to teach. Teaching sounded amazing because I have always loved kids, so I went back to collage. Now, I'm here," she sighs. He nods, impressed with her skills.

"I would've never thought that you would've been a lawyer," he chuckles.

"I'm more fierce then I look," I say. He shakes his head, and we suddenly hear loud laughter from across the room. I smile, thankful to hear others enjoying themselves. I can feel Charlie's eyes devouring me, and I feel kind of conscientious at first. I let his eyes drag down my curvy figure as I pretend that I wasn't watching him.

"Staring is considered rude," I smirk. He chuckles and turns away shyly. I giggle, and I turn to see his back towards me. "I was just kidding."

"I'm sorry," he says sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it," I say quietly. "I was just joking with you."

I laugh at him, and he shakes his head. I turn to see all the children already finished eating. They were doing all kinds of things like texting, talking, and having just a good time in general. I kind of wish I was a kid, again.

"So, how old are you?" Charlie asks, surprising me and pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh, I am twenty-six. I'll be twenty-seven in December," I say as I turn to him. "How about you?"

"Well, im twenty-eight, and I'll be twenty-nine in December, too," he says with a small smile.

"Really? What day?" I ask curiously.

"The second," he simply replies.

"Mines the twenty-second," I giggle. He chuckles at me, and I smile as I am genuinely happy with my life.

"Have you always been a principal here?" I ask.

"Well, I rose to the position when I was twenty-three, so about five years. This is my sixth actually," he says. I nod my head. We continue talking to each other and getting to know each other for the rest of the time. When the bell rings, Charlie grins.

"I'll see you around," he says as he looking towards the doors. I hear him blow a loud whistle, and I see all the kids start running to line up. I walk towards the door, and I stop at the door as they line up.

Charlie's POV:

As soon as I blow the whistle, I turn around to see Meghan walking towards the doors. I watch her as her hips sway, and the dress she's wearing hugging her curves tightly. I watch her ass as it moves with her hips as she walks along the floor. I tear away from my dirty thoughts, and I start walking behind her. She turns around upon the entrance of the room, and I stand next to her. I silence the kids, and I lead the inside class by class. When Meghan's class is ushered back to class, she follows behind them. When everyone else goes in, I follow them all inside. I turn a corner to start heading to my office, but I bump into someone that I didn't expect to see.

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I didn't see you," I apologize.

"That's alright," she says with a small smile.

"Okay, bye," I say as I walk away.

That's my only problem here at this school. The teachers act like kids in middle school. They're all gossipy and tell each other who has a crush on who. It's sickening, to be honest. It's like they don't care what others think of them. They just act whatever way they want and don't give a shit. I mean, that's fine with me like own what you do, but don't go and affect other people with your actions.

Selena, Taylor, and Hailee are all best friends. Their like the mean, bitchy group of the school. Demi and Ariana are friends and stay out of everything which is nice. Frankie, Nick, Shawn, and Justin all like to gossip about everything. Meghan's new, though, and I hope she's with Demi and Ariana because they stay out of everything. Actually, Ariana's classroom is right next to Meghan's and Demi is the secretary. Demi comes to Ariana's class after school everyday, so Meghan could become fast friends with them if she wanted.

The day trudged on slowly, and I think about Meghan the whole entire time. She's been glued to my brain. She's like a magnet that can't be taken out of my brain. She's a drug, and right when the bell rang for everyone to be dismissed, I jumped out of my seat and headed straight to her room. I pace through the halls as I walk past the crowds of students. When I reach her door, I knock and step in. I see her head bolt in my direction, and a smile creeps on her face when she sees me.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey. There's someone I'd like you to meet," I say. She raises her eyebrows in suspicion, and she sets the stack of papers in her hand on her desk. She walks over to me, and I motion for her to follow me. I knock on Ariana's door next to Meghan's classroom, and I hear heels clicking towards the door. When the door opens, I smile down at her. She smiles back st me and glances to Meghan.

"Hello, Ms Grande. I was wondering if you and Demi would like to meet our newest teacher. She's very sassy–"

She elbows me in the shoulder.

"And she's a good friend. I'd like you to meet her, so you can bond and do girly stuff because I don't want her getting in to Selena and Taylor's group, so please welcome her," I finish. She smiles genuinely at me, and she opens the door wider.

"It's nice to meet you. Come in," Ariana welcomes her. I look to Meghan and smile, and she gives me a grin. She walks into Ariana's room and shuts the door behind her, leaving me to daydream about her for the rest of the day.

AN: I know you're going to cringe, but I'm doing weekly updates, so every Thursday I'll update. I haven't finished the book, but when I do I'll update more often than a week.
Tell me what you thought and what direction you'd like this book to go in in the comments please!

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