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As sleep wore off, I found myself in the bathtub with Michael. An hour or two must've passed, although we had been planning to cuddle only.

I twisted a bit so I could see his peaceful face.

All his worry lines and creases faded from his face, and his warm honey eyes were closed, but I could imagine their beauty without him having to open his eyelids. His dark eyelashes batted lightly against his deeply tanned skin. I liked him with a deep tan, and with very pale skin. I have no in-betweens.

Hi jaw was set in a very handsome posture, half-clenched, and half-relaxed from sleep. His cheek bones were evident against his dark skin, and him being completely clean shaven made him just look miles hotter than he already was. His nose twitched lightly every now and then, alerting me that he was soon to wake up.

His sculpted lips were blood red from the warm water's effect on his body, and tiny snores emitted from them, but they were very quiet, signaling that he was already half-conscious. As my eyes trailed down his undeniably sexy body, I was again reassured that this was a truly gorgeous man.

I twisted some more, and my hand reached up to ruffle his messy and long dark brown hair. The water affected his hair, making it give off a blackish hue. However, when my hand was halfway there, I found him gently encasing it in his own and pressing sweet little kisses to the tips of my fingertips.

I nearly melted at his touch, it was so fucking heartwarming.

About his touch.

Last night was probably the best night of my life. It was perfect in every aspect, from the confessions on TV, to the treasure hunt, to the wonderful surprise, to the goofing off, and finally, to the magical ending.

I was surprised, I'm not gonna lie. I hadn't expected my emotions to take over and actually agree to this, but if I had waited a minute longer, I would've surely cracked. Of course, I was in immense pain (and I still fucking am, not to mention), but soon, it was conquered by unimaginable pleasure.

To know that he was filling every inch of me with his love and affection, it was truly a spectacular feeling, and it made me glad that I had waited all this time for someone to take away my virginity.

Because, even if I couldn't confide in anyone and tell them so, I had a gut feeling deep down that Michael wasn't only the one to take it, but also The One.

It was pure, unadulterated love and passion that pushed us forward in this relationship, and I was blessed.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Michael's sweet, sultry, royally deep voice, "I want to wake up every morning to your sweet face," he breathed down my neck, "I'm keeping you forever and for always."

He started rubbing his face in the crook of my neck as he pulled me even tighter to him, but my mind was only set on one thing.

"Did you just quote Shania Twain?"

"Maybe.." he trailed off sheepishly, causing me to laugh.

"C'mon Michael," I slowly untangled myself from him, "Get me out of here please."

He nodded as he quickly hefted me over his shoulders and gently lowered me on my feet on the other side of the bathtub. He followed in suit, flashing me a genuine smile with his teeth on full showcase.

I smiled back, not even quite believing that I could ever belong to such an amazing man. This gorgeous human being simply emitted warmth and happiness.

"Hold on a second," he quickly kissed my cheek, before bending down to search the cabinets for towels.

He found a few soft and fluffy ones, and chose a navy one for him and a baby blue one for me.

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