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I flopped down on the couch, and spread my legs on the coffee table.

Michael followed in suit.

"Is Ryan such an asshole all the time?" I groaned.

He pondered it for a moment, his beautiful hazel eyes flickering upwards.

"More or less, yeah ," he finally shrugged.

I snuggled up to his side, enveloping myself in the sense of security I was now used to feeling.

His large hands found my own, and he entwined our fingers together.

He was such a big buff dude manly-man from the outside, but on the inside, he was a sucker for sweet moments and caring for others. He was a good person, deep at heart, and anyone who knew him past his exterior could see it.

It took me a few days to ponder this, but he really was a handsome man, and I couldn't pick out one flaw.

He wanted to be cared for, and longed for a tender touch, but was too scared to put his own heart ahead of his other priorities.

I was brought back to reality as I found him picking me up bridal style (again), and placing me to sit criss-crossed on the floor in front of him.

"Who did you seem intrigued to meet today from the guys?" he asked me, playing with my tiny fingers.

"I think Connor Dwyer seemed like a really fun guy," I said casually. His shoulders visibily tensed.

"W-would you ever consider going out with any of the guys on the team?" he asked, seemingly a little nervous, his eyes flickering at every thing in the living room but my eyes.

I thought before answering. Would I?

"Honestly? I don't really see myself with any of them," I answered carefully, "Despite seeming so nice and easygoing, I just don't see myself with any of them," I repeated.

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

"Actually, I approve of that," he smiled gently, "They are fun, nice, and hilarious guys and all, they are all a bunch of dope players. They're mostly so young, so they never actually thought about having a stable relationship. I'm waiting for the age that they mature at, because I am sure each one of them will try to settle down then," he obviously had given the subject much thought before.

But only one question egged my mind.

And of course, I had to voice it out loud.

"And have you?"

"Have I what?"

"Tried to settle down."

He looked down for a minute, "Yeah. All the time. I really thought that Natalie was in it for real, she hadn't been this bitchy slut her whole life after all. We were dating for 3 FUCKING YEARS," his face started growing red with fury, "And she had been cheating on me the whole time. She said that I didn't give her the time of day, and she needed someone to be there for her all the time. A-and that's why I am afraid to fall in love again. Because I don't want to give the girl less than what she deserves. I don't want to ruin her life b-by not being good enough," his voice was cracking near the end, and so was my heart.

This guy seriously has issues. Not good enough my arse.

"Michael, she's a fucking whore. You gave her everything and she repayed you with her cheating on you?! That's low, and anyways she's too blind to see what's in front of her. In front of her stood a kind, selfless, adorably awkward, gentle, graceful, handsome, well-mannered man that was just way too good for her," and with that, I scooched over on the floor, and snuggled up to his chest, burying my hair in his polo.

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