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A rare photo of an angel wearing glasses.

The nun had read, 'Go to the place where I first showed you how much you meant to me. PS, I love your sparkling crystalline eyes, especially when they look up at me when you say you love me.'

Being blessed with an almost-perfect memory, I knew exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about the time he had taken my hand, kissed my palm, and placed it over his heart.

I found the spare house key underneath a small potted sunflower, and entered the house.

I coughed a little as a slight smell of dust enveloped me. It had been uninhabited for a while now, after all. I made a beeline to the red couch, and found a small origami cup, and when I unfolded it, I blushed a bit at the words.

'Go to the place where I first walked in on you underdressed ^_^. PS, I love your sweet innocence, it gives me a sense of peace.'

I walked to the upstairs bathroom, remembering the time he had entered it with me just in my lingerie to convince me of my beauty, and eyed the large bronze mirror. Indeed, between the brown frame and the glass itself lay an elegant origami rose.

'Go to the place where we first spooned. PS, I love your playfulness, it's refreshing.'

I smiled at that, and walked to my shut off bedroom. It was probably the neatest room I had entered till now, seeing as I was always keen on keeping it tidy.

I remembered how I had really needed his warm embrace on the first night, and how his sense of tranquility that surrounded him had washed away all my nightmares. And there, on the bed, lay a blue origami swan.

'Go to the place where you first found out the truth about me. PS, I love your soft fluffy hair, it surrounds you like a golden halo when you wake up.'

I stuffed the unfolded swan with its fellow notes in my pocket, and then made a beeline to the only room that I had never set a foot inside after that first time, the game room.

I eyed the cabinet that held all his blindingly bright medals, and found a red origami kimono wedged between the glass doors.

'Now, this is probably the best memory of all: go to the place where we shared our first kiss. PS, I love your thin pink lips that I can't help but kiss all the time.'

I awwed quietly and went back downstairs to the kitchen. It was a little drafty, seeing as it was 80% marble surfaces and 20% metals, and I shivered a bit as I bent down to pick up  large origami lips from the middle of the kitchen. I knew how they worked, you stretch the paper from both sides to blow a kiss.

I could still feel my body shivering as I remembered the time we first kissed. It was magical, and had gotten so intense and passionate that it ended up as a pretty heated makeout session.

After unraveling it, I found his scribble crawling over the paper.

'I had always been an asshole, and the proof is that I'm telling you right now to go to the place where we had our first argument and the place where I first kissed the top of your head. PS, I love your dainty smile, it brights up my day and reminds me that every single second I'm alive is devoted to you.'

I walked to the doorstep, rembering that he had kissed my hair when I had threatened to leave after he had lied to me about his job. I picked up the origami Danish dog, and laughed as I remembered telling him how much I had wanted a real one.

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