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The noise of two girls laughing annoys me a lot. I'm at the library trying to enjoy The Great Gatsby, but those two are not letting me. I decided to leave because I didn't want to cause a scene and the last thing that I want is to gather attention from others. I decided to go to the bathroom and check myself up. My dark blue hair looks good and my makeup as well.

I hear my phone and it's from my mom telling me that she will not come home tonight. I really don't understand why she texted me, she's never at home. My mom is a surgeon which can explain why, but you know ever since we moved, she has decided to be more at the hospital than home. I understand that being a surgeon is a big thing, but I really miss he. My dad in the other hand is at home well more than my mom.

My dad became the manager of one of the best Hotels in Orange County. Now he is mostly at the hotel but still, he makes his appearance every morning and night, unlike my mom. My family is complicated in some things and one of them is me. I was not happy to learn that I was moving from Pennsylvania to California and till today I still feel the same. The place is not bad but the people is what I'm not thrilled about.

Well, at my school. The students at my new school are really annoying and stupid. For example, the girls from the library were not just annoying, but rude as well by speaking really loud. But yeah now I have to deal with it. I see myself again and put on my lip gloss and leave the bathroom.

I went to my locker to grab some stuff. While I was doing that I heard my name being called.

"Ellie" My friend Christian calls. Christian is my friend and actually the only person that I can tolerate. We are somehow alike, we like to read and his mother is a surgeon like mine. We know each other because of our moms, my mom took me and dad to Doctor's retirement party. That's where I met Christian and found out that he and I had a lot in common.

" Hey, what's up," I say while looking for my earphones.

"Hungry like always and you?" he asks putting his hand on his pockets and waiting for my response.

" Well, I'm looking for my earphones and I had to postpone my date with Mr.Gatsby," I say laughing at my response. Christian laughs and reaches his hand to my locker to grab the earphones that I was looking for.

" I think you need glasses," he says handing me my earphones.

" So why you had to postpone your date," he says while air quoting date and laughing. I roll my eyes and start walking with him to tell him why

"Well these girls at the library couldn't shut themselves up so I had to leave," I state. School was about to end so we decided to head out to Krispy Kreme. Christian is technically the one who had shown me around. We bought our donuts and decided to stay for a chat.

" So is your mom at the hospital," I ask him when I was about to take a bite out of my donut. He chews his donut and answers me.

" No, today is her day off, why you ask?" he responds. How his mom and my mom work together I wanted to know if mom went to the hospital because she wanted or because she had to. I understand that my mom's work is really hard and good, but sometimes I just wish that she would focus on her family more often. 

My mom had a routine she would work for 2 straight days, and then come home for at least 2 days, and go back to work from 5:00 AM to 7:00 PM. I know that her job is important and that she saves lives, but I just want to spend more time with her.

" Just wondering due that my mom is working today," I answer him. I take another bite of my wonderful donut that now I'm feeling sad because I'm almost done with it.

" For what I've seen this past month I can tell that your mom is very dedicated to her job" he states while cleaning himself.

" Have you ever felt like your mom is missing on things that you want her to be in?" I ask him wondering whether or not I'm the only one who feels that way.

" So many times but at the end, I remind myself that she's probably saving someone at that time, " he tells me while looking at me. He's right, I know, but ever since the incident in Pennsylvania, we became distant. I miss her so much.

" Good point," I say after biting the last part of my donut.

After finishing our donuts we talked for a bit and left. He drove me home and left. When I entered my house it was pitch black meaning that no one was here just me. I decided to take a shower and watch Game of Thrones which is actually based on my favorite book series. After that, I decided to shut my eyes and let myself go to deep sleep.


Hello everyone, I just want to say thank you for reading and that it would be great if you comment and vote. If you have some advice for me, please comment or send me a private message. Again, thank you all and sorry for my grammar.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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