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Listening to into you -by ariana grande ....i dont like her though but im obssesed with the song .(no hate please)

So we all now gone through the fact we are teenagers suffering from the teenage syndrome .....

Im going to say this again because its true ....being a teenager is tough as fuck ....ok there i said it ...but the difference between each one of us is how we deal with it .

Reading the comments on the stories here opened my eyes at what others go through that i dont ....for examle self harm ....its sad to see people harm them selfes blaming themselfs for something i am sure a 100% that they shouldnt be blamed for . I never experienced it ok ? .... i never even had someone i know do it (not that i know of ) ....but everytime i read a coment like :

Oh ...i do them cuts too ...i do it to feel alive and its an escape from my reality.

I post a reply like:

Dont worry we are all here for you ....even though we might be a nobody in your life and you might not know us but no one should go through something like this ....so whenever you feel down ....text anyone here on wattpad ...im sure people would love to help you and make you feel better ....hell if i go through the reasons that makes you harm yourself i would want someone to listen to me and cheer me up ....you can then if you want chang your username so like to make yourself unknown again ....but remember many are waiting for ur sign so they can help you ...❤

I write stuff like this because whenever i am down i want someone to tell me that everything is going to be ok .....its something we all secretly wish for ....but you dont realise it .

Now being bullied myself ...i have gone through bad nights , feeling lonely , not loved by anyone , not fitting in ...these kind of stuff ...but what you dont know is my charecter and rebelness is uniqe in the family in other words i dont fit in quite properly ....you see my cousines BOTH OF THEM get straight A* ....a boy my age and a senior girl ....so as usual im compared to both of them and they are so polite and blah blah blah this crap continoues to the infinite world .
Im not saying im not polite ...I am super polite with people but i am tough with my inner family. They where born and raised between their whole families ...i was born and raised in a foreign country its a big difference and im the eldest ...i had no one to look up for as in an older sibling .... so some nights i cry my eyes out wishing and praying that i would die on the spot ...and as you can read ..it never happened yet which im grateful for because if i died back then i wouldnt have met the wonderful people who actually turned the switch to my dark mind and dusted the lamps off .....

Thats exactly our problem these days ....now tell me ...what is the first thing you think of before heading to a new school ? Or the question that pops in your head the day before the first day of school that keeps you up at night for hours and hours ..........Im i gonna fit in ?...... that is the question that the whole teenage race worried about ....and im definately one of them .....I may look confidence from the outside and coated with chocolate icing and all but on the inside its just me repeating the same damn question in my mind ..... Im i gonna fit in ?.....

I am a plain drama queen to say the least 👸👑👑I overreact to some stuff and so people dont take me seriosly for example when i have a panick attack ...my mom thinks im trying to grab attention ...i try to explain but i cant and she cuts me off ...she doesnt know i have them so she dosnt bother and thats ok with me ...i dont have any problem with that because i dont have a severe case or something ....but I still do overreact and its a problem ...but on the other hand ...I was great in my school play so ....ya everything has its own pros and cons.

For those of you out there (im seriouse im not making fun of any of you ) im here .......im here to help you go through your problems ...im here to help you get up on your feet and help you complete this god damn race which is called life ..in fact...we are ALL here if we are not here for each other...Then who will ?

I have helped many of my classmates who go through nervouse breakdowns, Ive helped them to overcome these little panick attacks (some of you may have severe cases ..pardon me ) so why not help you too? You not being with me as in infront of me in the same room is not a problem . Ive watched the movie SULLY ....by tom hanks.

 He was a pilot and all

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He was a pilot and all ...so you  know the people at the control pannels at the airport who help the captins on the plane and tell them which direction to go and they are the first people called by the captin if anything happened on the plane ...so two of the engines broke (this is not a spoiler for those of you who want to watch it ) and the captin aka tom hanks called the person on the control pannel  and told him about it.....now the job of that person is to calm the captin ...because he would be freaking out ,hes about to die and all ....this persons job is to calm him down because his voice is the only voice the captin is listening to....can you see what im trying to tell you ? The person at the control pannel helps the captin to calm down with his voice , he doesnt have to be there, same as reading someones text which is trying to calm you down and telling you its going to be ok

So in the end ...im telling you ...you ARE going to be ok and i love you personally and all of the other people love you too 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😗😗😗😘😘😘


Lots of love everyone spread it as much as you can




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