Forever Young

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Warning: There are flashbacks that include verbal abuse. They're in italics so you can skip them if you prefer.

Normani wakes up in the morning to an empty space in her bed and the most amazing smell tickling her senses. She finds a note on the pillow besides her, the one that smells like Y/n now, and her lover's script reads 'Come find me! - <3 Y/n' And she'd be mad about waking up alone, she really would, if this girl just wasn't so goddamn cute. She groans as she rolls herself to the edge of the bed and forces herself to get up.

She stops in the bathroom first knowing she'll need to relieve her aching bladder but she also fully aware of the silent killer that is 'morning breath'. Once she feels presentable enough, she exits the bathroom and moseys into kitchen to find both twins working in tandem to create the most delicious smelling grub she can recall being prepared in this apartment. She isn't surprised when Dinah appears shortly behind her, still rubbing her eyes, and trying to fix her disheveled hair into a messy bun to match Normani's.

"What's for breakfast?" the light-haired girl asks, greeting her lover with a short kiss to the side of his mouth.

"Breakfast tacos," he replies. "Quieres papas?"

"Yeah." Dinah murmurs into his shoulder.

"Okay, papas y que mas?" he asks, getting her plate ready.

"Que tienes?"

"Papas, frijoles, queso, huevos, chorizo, cebollas, tocino-"

"No tocino," Dinah quickly tells him, "pero todo la demas, por favor."

"Okay babe,siéntate." he says, pulling out a bar stool at the counter for her.

Normani sees Y/n making tortillas, her face is the picture of concentration, and for the brown girl it's just too adorable. She sneaks over and puts her arms around the brunette's waist from behind. She kisses the girl's shoulder and lays her head there, feeling Y/n take a breath and then let it back out.

"Good morning, pretty girl." her lover's voice sounds like it resonates in her own chest.

"Good morning." she returns as her fingers gingerly scratch at Y/n's abdominal muscles under her shirt. "The food smells amazing. Where did you get all this, though?"

"We went to the store earlier," Layne explains. "We tried to be quiet when we left so we wouldn't wake you ladies up."

"I borrowed your keys," Y/n tells her. "I hope you don't mind, I just didn't want to have to call you to let us back in and we weren't going to leave the door unlocked."

"That's fine, babe." the brown girl assures her, nuzzling her face against the brunette's shoulder blades.

"God, this is domestic as fuck." Dinah croaks. "How did we get here, Kordei?"

"I believe we live here, D."

"You know what I mean, bish. Don't play with me this morning." the Poly warns, jokingly. "These two, with their wits and charms and homemade yummy scrumptiousness, they're changing us my friend. Soon, we will no longer be content with cold pizza or leftover Chinese for breakfast. They're going to have us spoiled. You do know this, right??"

"Are you complaining?" Y/n asks. "Would you rather us not cook?"

"I object!" Normani clucks. "Motion to suppress the twins' kitchen efforts is denied. I motion for them to cook for us forever."

"Motion granted!" Dinah cheers.

"Ah ha!" Normani points at her roommate, looking to both Layne and Y/n. "Motion passed, my pretties. You two are now fully responsible for all cuisine to be made in this home."

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