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She was supposed to be sleeping. Lauren had made it clear that the caravan was leaving promptly at 8am. They'd argued about it at dinner - Dinah had made a case for leaving around 10:30am or 11am, she hated being rushed to get up in the mornings and truthfully Normani hated being the one to sound the alarm - but Lo had insisted that if they left at 8am they could be there and possibly settled by lunch time. She knew it was going to come early, but....Y/n. Thus, she laid there, texting instead of talking for fear of Dinah's threats on her life if she woke her up. Patiently, Normani continued to unravel the mystery of her.

11:38pm - Y/n: Full name?

11:39pm - Normani: Normani kordei Hamilton.

11:39pm - Y/n: I like that. It suits you. ;)

11:40pm - Y/n: Y/FN Y/MN Y/LN.

11:40pm - Normani: lmao i like it <3

11:41pm - Normani: birthday?

11:42pm - Y/n: Aug 25th (Virgo)

11:42pm - Normani: May 31th (Gemini)

11:43pm - Normani: we're totes compatible ;)

11:44pm - Y/n: I already knew that.Age?

11:45pm - Normani: 20 and don't get sassy.

11:45pm - Y/n: 21 - I win ;)

11:46pm - Normani: ooh, an older woman. me likey. but it's not a competition. settle down crouching tiger.

11:46pm - Normani: first kiss?

11:48pm - Y/n: Tris, believe it or not. Tristyn Hale. We were 13.

11:49pm - Y/n: I was just starting to realize that I was having crushes on girls instead of boys.

11:50pm - Y/n: Tris grew up next door, we all hung out together. Layne dared me to kiss her. She punched me after.

11:51pm - Y/n: My lip was swollen for a week, I swear.

11:52pm - Normani: awww baby y/n, making the moves. lol

11:52pm - Normani: dansen winters. i was 15. he was my mother's colleague's son.

11:53pm - Normani: 2 years older than me. he had blonde hair and gold eyes and i thought he was dreamy.

11:54pm - Normani: but it was horrible. too much saliva. 

11:55pm - Y/n: first crush?

11:56pm - Normani: ummm...two part question for me....

11:56pm - Normani: boy: van redden levesque. van redden was his combined first name. i was 10.

11:57pm - Normani: he cut my hair one day in 4th grade. lol i liked him after that until he cut rachel graceland's hair 2 months later.

11:57pm - Normani: girl: ashlee tonjes. around the same age. she shared her snacks everyday.

11:58pm - Normani: it was a very confusing time for me ;)

12:00am - Y/n: I can imagine.

12:00am - Y/n: Arabella Vega. She was 18 and I was 16. She was my first, too.

12:02am - Normani: how long were u together?

12:04am - Y/n: We weren't. It didn't exactly go well.

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