One Last Time

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"You've gotta stop doing this, Normani!"

Dinah eyes her from her seat across the booth.

"You can't keep hooking up with him after you broke up. It sends him mixed signals and you know that. How many times has he asked you to get back together, now??"

"D, I haven't done it in 3 months."

"Lies.I picked you up outside his place last month after you guys got into it because you told him you didn't want a relationship, AGAIN."

Shit, Dinah was right. How had she forgotten about that?!

"Ok fine. But that was the last time." Normani eyed her phone, debating whether or not to make that decision.

There was something about Arin. He was comfortable for her. They had been together for what, 3 years and some change? But she had never been in love with him and she knew that. It was the reason why she ended it when she did - why she should have ended it years before. But Arin was comfortable and he was alright in bed and after two horrific fails at one-night stands she had decided that he was also better than catching some 'unable-to-rid-yourself-of-it' something from a total stranger. So she'd played this game. For the past 6 months, she had gone out and gotten wasted, worked herself up a bit, and then sent her ex a text to let him know she was coming over. It had worked out, at first. He was lonely as much as she was, and he was eager to show her what she was missing. But for Normani, the sex had never been her complaint. It just also wasn't a selling point, either.

"Look, I know you're going to do it. I'm just saying, at some point, you've gotta stop. All it takes is one time - one forgotten condom, one missed pill, one time that he doesn't pull out and...Preggo your eggo, my friend."

"Jesus, Dinah!" the brown girl face-palmed. "Thanks for THAT. You are like the master Twat Swatter, I swear to God."

"I prefer to term Beaver-Dam." Dinah quipped. "But I'll take the title nonetheless. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go chat to that red-head over there up. You headed home?"

"Yeah....probably best so I don't get myself in trouble."

"Alright, well, there's batteries in the third drawer on the left in the kitchen. All sizes so....whatever rocks your socks."

"Gee...thanks D. Thanks for looking out." Normani smiled as she scooted out of the booth seat and made her way to the door."

She waited until she was outside and about a block down the side walk before she unlocked her phone, scrolled through her contacts to find her ex, and sent the text.

01:05am - Normani: hey, u still awake? i can be there in 15 if ur down.

30 minutes and still no answer. She wasn't angry. I mean, not really. If anything she was relieved because it kept her from making the mistake again. But it was a little frustrating. And a little cowardly of him.

01:37am - Normani: k well u missed ur chance, ray. Next time don't be such a bitch n txt me back.


The week went by and still no reply. Normani found herself in the same position the following weekend - drunk, horny, and sending out a lifeline hoping for a response.

12:49am - Normani: goddamnit arin if u don't respond to this, i will come to ur apartment rite now n personally fuck u up so help me god

12:51am - Normani: fuck....i need u ;( is that what u wanna fucking hear? does that make u fucking feel better?!"

She hadn't meant to come across so desperate but.....desperate times, eh?

An hour later and she was sitting outside the building where Arin's apartment used to be, staring up at the window that used to be his, and now had a FOR RENT sign. She didn't know why it hurt her so bad. She wouldn't let herself cry about it. She wasn't that upset. But he hadn't even said goodbye. He hadn't even told her he was leaving. She didn't even know where he would have gone. How had they gotten here? He used to be a part of her day - every day. And had been a month or so since they'd even heard from each other. And he was gone. Not even texting back an-

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