Chapter 5; Treachery

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The day went by with both Haven and Dawayne crossing through the scary forest going to where the guardian thought is safer for camping. The forest's long branches covering the sky from being seen also keeping the sunset's light off. The lights were dim you could never know if whether is it still noon or already sunset. But, It must be late since it was getting darker and darker. Haven started to feel uneasy and thought maybe starting a conversation with Dawayne will make the journey shorter and the darkness less noticed, but she couldn't find something good to talk about so instead she thought about annoying him with one question.

"Are we there yet?"

Haven asked for the seventh time now, dawayne's only answer was a deadly glare at her pretty face smiling broadly.

She asked again this time giving her best innocent look. "Are we there yet Guardian?

"Not yet." He muttered under his breath feeling so irate by her childish behavior

"Are we there yet?" Haven asked again, very amused of how easy he could get annoyed.

"Be patient princess."

"Are we there yet?"

... "We are. We are going to camp here."

Dawayne finally spoke after a while of silence. The place they will camp in wasn't any different from what they had been seeing from trees and huge branches covering the whole place.

"What's so special about this place? I thought it's going to be a bit different since you chose this precised location!"

Haven said exaggerating her annoyed tone of voice. She was utterly disappointed as she thought she is going to find the camping location more cheerful.

"Well, it's the best place for..."

Before Dawayne could finish his sentence his attention was distracted to something moving in the trees, his body tensed in a second and all his attention was drawn to the empty dark spaces between branches. Though Haven's numerous trials to get his attention back or to understand this sudden change in his looks, it came with failure. Seconds later he looked at Haven asking for her permission to go.

"Make sure you come back very quickly I really don't like it here!"

Haven nervously said while shoving her eyes to all directions feeling completely uncomfortable of the sudden feeling of being totally alone in an alien place without the one person who accompanied all the time. The trees were thicker and their branches too, it covered the sky and the sunset's light from coming, it was darker than ever, a perfect place for a murder.

"I can't believe he chose this location for camping, it's even colder! Ugh! This guardian will certainly bring my death if not with freezing then certainly with a dangerous starving monster."

Haven kept on speaking loud hoping she doesn't feel totally alone, she thought her voice could keep her company and distract her mind from creating the hundred of scenarios of horror.


A loud voice came from behind her made her jump to the back in a supernatural speed, throwing all her body back as far as possible.

"What was that for god sake?" Haven screamed angrily.

"You should have seen your face princess, it was priceless!" Dawayne spoke between his laughs while holding his stomach.

"Look who's being childish!"

"Easy princess... I couldn't help it!"

"You're so mean, do you know how terrifying it was scaring me, I thought I could die of a heart attack before you even kill me."

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