14 | Nervousness

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Sidetracked, distracted, procrastination...nervousness

          Today's the day. Dad went ahead to the Prescott estate to bring in the supplies for the dinner while I was at the house and checked on the meat as it continued to sleep with the blend of herbs and spices. The feeling of being nervous was always present in my body when it came to cooking for someone new. You could never fully know what they like and dislike until they take their first bite of the dish. Their reaction can be delivered to you through their eyes, mouth, and body. The eyes would scan the food and give the dish a bias impression, much like the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover". With just one squint or widening of the eyes a chef can tell if the client is enjoying what was placed before them, but the critique never stops there, with that same first bite their mouth tells a story. The movement of how the mouth curves itself into a smirk or a small impulse caused by them testing the texture with their tongue is present. They taste the flavors that is in the dish, if they all mix or don't. How they chew is also a factor; it distinguishes enjoyment or distaste, a happy chew is slow and rhythmic while a disgusted chew is painfully slow and accompanied with a visible frown. The body does the same, although not many express their enjoyment for food through body gestures, but they do exist. One would move forward or dive in to the dish signifying their enjoyment and others may not move at all; this shows that they are neutral or can mean nothing at all. Those are just body characteristics I have noticed when people ate. But tonight was different, and I could not think straight. Mom then came in to let me know that we were going to grab some breakfast at the diner we first ate at. I nodded and grabbed my phone, camera, camera bag/my purse, and wallet and went down the stairs to catch up with mom and Blair. Mom was driving while Blair sat in the back and I sat in the passenger's seat up front. I looked at my phone to see if Nathan texted me, but nothing showed up on my screen. I looked at mom and started a conversation.

          "Mom do you think Nathan changed?"

          "Well of course honey, everyone changes, you're never the same, you grow"

          "I know the physical attributes change but, I'm talking about personality..."

          "People change appearance, personality, and mind, they may not be the person you once knew, but there is one thing that I always look forward to" I looked up right at her as she concentrated on the road, "I look forward to meeting them anew, and get to know them on a deeper level"

          I stared in astonishment, she was right Nathan changed for a reason and I'll be there for him no matter what, even if it means him pushing me away entirely. Nathan is different and so am I. My mind drifted to the window of the car and watched as the grey sky painted a mellow overlay on the rich evergreens. The trees became concrete and we entered the town, it was not long until we reached the diner. Beep, Beep. The sound of mom locking the car was heard as we entered the diner. The three of us headed to the same booth we first ate at and waited for a waitress. Surprisingly it was the same blonde woman from day one, Joyce.

          "Well if it isn't the Jamesons, nice to see you again" She handed me and my mom menus and Blair a kid's menu.

          "Good morning Joyce and it is very nice to see you again as well" I said and smiled at her, then I wondered if her daughter would swing by today. She reminded me of a friend I had in middle school named Emily, and she was very edgy.

          "You've only been here once and you already know my name, Arcadia Bay needs more people like you and your family"

          "Hmm, we just might" I looked at my mom after she said that comment, what could that possibly mean?

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