Claws 10 - Yes Sir, Quite Sir.

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Alli closed her eyes and immersed herself in the communication with her supervisor. When she opened them, Special began the descent and Alli watched the waves of fear and confusion rush across Macca’s face. He was flushed and sweating again but this time it wasn't the transition of Special from 4WD to orbital shuttle that was disrupting his brain chemistry.

Alli blinked on her life signs display and analysed all his biomedical signs. Macca was only just holding himself together. She observed him as he watched them plummet toward an island chain to the north of Australia. There was a nice accommodating volcano near the island of Bouganville. Special had assessed which of the nearest could be coped with the longest and which would not cause too much distress if anything did go wrong. Also the PNG government didn’t possess any extensive radar network just in case Special had to perform an unshielded manoeuvre while covered in cooling magma.

Macca turned to her, “can you start by explaining this level of civilisation thingy. It might give me a frame of reference to wrap the rest of this science fiction saga around!”

Alli smiled, “that's better lover,” she said, “my Mr Cool is back, good!” She waved her hand in the air between them and a simulation of the Earth solar system appeared small lights appeared dotting the system. “This is your solar system with all of your interplanetary spacecraft plotted for their current positions and colour coded for purpose and whether robotic or manned.”

Alli pointed at the small red dots around the earth. “Here are the Lagrange Point Orbital Research Stations,” her hand moved to the Moon and then Mars. “Here are the various Moon bases and the Mars Orbital Station and the two Mars Bases.”

Alli turned back to Macca. “All this activity makes you a Level 1 Civilisation because you are exploring your own solar system.” Her hand swept through the system. "When you establish sustainable colonies you will become a Level 2.” Her face grew stern. “... then some time about then you will develop your first artificial intelligence and approach a civilisation singularity as you confront the reality of your biological being in the context of the new machine based intelligence you have created!” Alli reached out to the forward controls and a panel opened. She picked up the ornate drink bottle and sucked it dry. “Ah better, I’m talking far too much.”

Alli turned back to Macca. “You will also come under more scrutiny than you can imagine!”

Macca frowned, “why, who’s business is it what we do in our solar system, and what ‘gives youse lot the right to mess with our business,” Macca finished with an excellent rendition of one of Nicko’s favourite sayings.

“Yes, well, there is that, but, every level of civilisation above you is beginning to pay attention to your activities, and especially how you handle the development of AI. Which is why I’m here with my super!”

“What, you’re not worried we might take over the universe or something ...”

Alli burst out laughing, “not at all lover, no, there’s no chance of any sort of conflict arising anywhere. It is kind of accepted, that one just doesn’t do that sort of thing.”

“Doesn’t what?” Macca asked confused.

Alli smiled and shaking her head, “Ah, be violent, it’s just not possible, we’re all grown ups with mature brains, and more importantly the Level 5s and 6s are watching!”

Macca turned away as he noticed the hull changing shape around them. “Ah yes sir you have noticed my preparations. We are approaching your volcano through its ash cloud and I am harvesting such material as necessary to accrete an extra layer of a high temperature resilient crystalline matrix to further protect my hull. I just didn’t fancy the potential damage and with you permission sir I will exit the volcano at the first indication of hull degradation!”

“Yep, sure thing, and Special, we are actually going inside a volcano?”

“Yes sir, as you requested. It is an interesting challenge and I thank you for that. This human surveillance we have been on, is actually quite tedious, but there you have it. That is the lot of Level Three Searchers.”

Macca immediately wanted to know the hell he was talking about but instead he was distracted by the stony looking outer surface of Special growing thicker and more obvious. And then he saw the caldera of the volcano appear through the murk of the ash cloud. All his thought of intergalactic conspiracies faded as he realised what was about to happen.

“Ah Special, we don't have to do this mate, I was only testing you.”

“Yes sir, quite sir, I was aware of that sir, but I am now intrigued and this should be very interesting and quite exciting. And yes sir I do experience a wide range of what you would call emotions. That’s why I am an AI and not a robot. Oh bother!”

Suddenly the straps tightened about their bodies as they were jolted by severe turbulence. This rapidly settled. “My apologies Madam, Sir. More variables than I anticipated, Ive never done this before. I’m quite looking forward to it. Preparing for entry. Heat dispersion functioning better than expected!”

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