Chapter 105

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By the end of the day, I realize that I have to pack a bag, grab my suit and leave my baby for the night. When it finally hit me, I grab Mitch and pull him into a hug. "Alpha what's going on?" He asks and I sniffle. "I don't know how I'm going to sleep without you tonight." I say and everyone goes aww. "Oh Scott." He says pulling back. "I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel better same. I never sleep without you, so it's going to be hard." He says and I pull him back in my arms.

"Come with me." Mitch says pulling me up to our room. "Sit down." He says and he hands me his pillow. "It smells just like me, and if you want you can even take my bear." He says and I pull him into a kiss. "Why are you so good to me?" I ask and he giggles. "Because you treat me like a princess. You give me everything I could ask for, and I wanna be that in return. I treat you like the king you are destined to become." He says and I pull him into another kiss. "Alpha we can't. We literally made love all day. Let me rest until after the wedding." He says and I smile.

"Oh you won't be able to walk after our honeymoon." I say and his jaw drops. "Is that so?" He asks and I nod. "Okay. Can we cuddle? Just for a little while?" He asks and I smile. "Are you going to miss me too?" I ask and he nods against my chest. "Oh honey." I say and he sniffles. "I know we're getting married and this is tradition, but it's still not fair. Not when we haven't really spent nights apart, and when we did we were still in the same house." He says and I kiss his neck. "I know baby it's not fair, but I'm just a phone call away and you have your own special ringtone in my phone so I know it's you. Okay? I'm still right here." I say and he nods.

"Okay. Thank you alpha." He says and I nod. I pack some overnight clothes while Mitch makes sure I have everything else I need. "Your suit is on the back of the door." He says and I place my bag with it. Once everything was ready I pull Mitch into my arms and we cuddle up. We don't say anything, just hold each other until Mark comes up. "It's time to go council alpha." He says and Mitch finally breaks down. Troye and Connor run up, and they both pull Mitch into a hug. "Oh honey it's only a night." I say and he sniffles. "I know but that doesn't make it any easier." He says and I sigh. "Just think, the next time you see me, we will be getting married." I say and he smiles.

"Okay." He says and I smile. I kiss his head and grab my bag and suit. Mitch pecks my lips and we all walk downstairs. Kristin was sitting by the stairs and got up when we all came down. She doesn't say anything, just watches. Mitch walks us all the way to the door before kissing me one more time. "I'll see you tomorrow alpha." He says and I smile. "I'll see you tomorrow baby." I say and with that we were gone.

*Wedding Day*

I wake up early in the morning so I could get ready. I hop in the shower and make sure I smell good before actually getting out. I wash my face and brush my teeth before exiting the bathroom and heading back to the room. "Scott. You're wedding is in the evening. Sit the fuck down man." Mark says and I sigh. "I can't help how nervous I am. What if he decides he doesn't want to marry me anymore? My entire life purpose would be over!" I say and he groans. "It's to early for this! Scott Richard Hoying take your ass back to sleep!" Mark shouts and I sigh. "What if he calls?" I ask and he sits up.

"I doubt he's even up." He says and I sigh. Just then Mitch's ringtone sounds through the room. I grab my phone and answer it quickly. "Hello?" I ask and Mitch giggles. "Alpha Mark told me you were freaking out." He says and I sigh. "Calm down alpha, there's no reason for you to freak out. We are getting married." He says and I smile. "Okay. You're right. I'm worried over nothing. Thanks for calling so early." I say and he giggles. "No problem alpha. You'd do the same if I was freaking out." He says and I smile. "You know it." I say and he giggles. "You're super giggly this morning. What's going on?" I ask, and the line goes silent. "Connor stop!" I hear Mitch say laughing loudly.

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