Chapter 104

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I wake up to see Mitch just sitting beside me on his phone. "Baby how long have you been up?" I ask and he looks down at me. "Good morning to you too. But around 3 hours?" He says and I sit up. "You were up for three hours and you didn't eat?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I made breakfast, but I couldn't fix my plate because you wouldn't approve of what I put on it." He says and I nod.

"Did anyone check on you?" I ask and he smiles. "Both the betas at different times." He says and I nod. "How much time do we have before the pack gets up?" I ask and he stops. "Well Kacy is already up and so is Jeremy, but they are in their bedrooms." He says and I nod. "Okay." I say turning over and laying on his stomach. He starts to run his hands through my hair, and I hum in pleasure. "You're going to make me cum baby." I mumble and he giggles. "That would be interesting. Cum for me alpha." He whispers in a seductive tone. I shiver in response and he giggles.

He continued to play in my hair, and I start to drift off. I would have fallen asleep too, if someone hadn't knocked on the room door. "It's alpha Avi." Mitch whimpers and I stand up. I throw open the door and growl. "You're scaring my omega." I say and he throws his hands up in surrender. "I'm not trying to scare him. I wanted to ask a question." He says and I look at him. "Can I please come to the party?" He asks and I scoff. "We aren't even doing it anymore! You made him feel ashamed of what he likes, of who he is, and now he doesn't want to do it." I say slamming the door.

"Alpha come here please." He says and I walk over. I sit down next to him, and he pins me to the bed. He straddles my waist and I smile. "Calm down alpha, I'm fine. He's no longer on my mind, but I don't want the party. Maybe another time." He says and I smile. He leans down to connect our lips, but the doorbell rings. "That's alpha Troye and Connor." He says pecking my lips twice before hopping out of bed. "Put some pants on!" I shout and he peaks back in. "Nope. The shirt is long enough." He says before walking away.

I throw on some pants before heading downstairs. Mitch is standing by the stairs, practically vibrating. "You just saw them." I growl in his ear and he whimpers softly. I kiss his neck, and he giggles. "The door." He says and I nod. I throw open the door and they both walk in. "Have you changed you mind about the party?" Connor asks and Mitch shakes his head. "We'll do it for my birthday or something." Mitch says and I nod. Connor kisses his cheek and Mitch giggles. Troye smiles before turning to me.

"Have you decided what we are going to do instead?" He asks and I shrug.  "No idea actually.  We'll figure something out. " I say and Mitch turns to me.  "Can we just go to the mall or something?  You know my favorite places." He says and I nod.  "I'll figure something out." I say and he smiles. "I'd be happy just laying up with you all day." Mitch says and I smile. "Aww that's so sweet!" I say and he giggles. "I mean... I don't see why we can't. You know just lay up with everyone." I say and he smiles. "Can we?" He asks and I look to everyone else.  They didn't seem to have a problem with it,  so I nod and he smiles.

I text everyone the new plan,  and we decide to say in pajamas, letting whatever happens, happen. If sex was involved, so be it we were going to enjoy ourselves. Mitch sets up the front room for guests,  and Connor helps before heading to the kitchen to start preparing  food for guests.

"Mitch and Connor sure have been inseparable these past few weeks." Troye says and I nod. "Yeah.  It might be the whole  wedding thing.  Mitch said Connor and Kristin switched roles, so now Connor is the best maid." I say and he nods. "We'll probably spend the night, so Mitch won't be totally alone." Troye says and I smile.  "That would be great. I worry so much over him, and you being here would really help." I say and he smiles.

"I'd probably stay on the couch and let Mitch and Connor fuck in your bed though." He says and I laugh.  "That's probably going to happen so brace yourself." I say and Troye starts to laugh really loud. Connor comes out and looks at his alpha. "Sir are you okay?" He asks and Troye nods, still doubled over with laughter. "Is it really that funny sir?" Connor asks, sounding slightly annoyed. Troye stops laughing almost immediately and frowns. "Baby what's wrong?" He asks and Connor sighs. "I'm sorry.  That was disrespectful, but please be mindful that we can hear everything you're saying." He says before heading back into the kitchen.

Troye walks after him and I follow too. "Honey we we're just joking." He says and Connor turns to look at him. "With all due respect, I don't want to talk about this right now.  Maybe after I finish cooking,  or maybe before Mitch and I start fucking." He says and Mitch grabs his shoulder. "Hey calm down. I don't care what they say. They  we're obviously joking because my alpha would never let that happen and neither would yours." Mitch says and Connor sighs. "I don't like being talked about." He says and Troye pulls him into a hug.

"Come talk to me for a moment." He says and they both exit the kitchen. "Hi baby." I say and Mitch frowns.  "Don't hi baby me! You know how I feel about you talking about me." He says and I sigh. "I don't know how I didn't see this coming." I say and he shrugs. "Me either." He says pushing me slightly. "Now Mitch I've told you about pushing me. Would I be wrong for punishing you right now?" I ask pulling him close to my body. "Yes you would, because that sounds super similar to my whole problem doesn't it?" Mitch says and I sigh.

"I see what you did there." I say placing a kiss on his neck. "I'm excited." I say and he smiles. "Yeah? I can feel just how excited you are." He says pushing against me. "Little tease." I say and he giggles. "Oh I know." He says pulling away.  "You're going to be real embarrassed when I fuck you in front of all your friends." I say and his face turns red. "Oh, are you already embarrassed?" I ask and he hides his face in my chest. I rub his back and wait until Connor and Troye come back in. "I'm going to borrow him for a while. Please Feel free to finish cooking and let the other guests in as they come. " I say practically dragging Mitch down the hall. Connor came running after me though. "Question!" He says and I stop. "Can we join?" He asks and Troye steps behind him. "I don't care.  Mitchie? Would you mind?" I ask and he grabs Connor before rushing upstairs. "I'll take that as a yes." I say and Troye and I walk up the stairs.

I'm not going to give you the rest because some of you didn't want it,  so I'll turn it into a one-shot.  Congratulations you'll still see it pop up. Ha!  It'll be 104 extended version so all this plus some. If you don't want it that's fine, but I know one person who will read and sadly it's not who you would think.  Oh well.  Love you. 😊🌈

too good by Drake

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