★A Mother-To-Be's Choice

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I was utterly broken, so very broken. The aftermath of what Trent had done put everything in perspective. He could have killed me. And that right there caused me to make a decision that was neccessary for my babies. Although I left the situation with just a knife wound and a sprang knee, the emotional damage was the worst. I was a wreck. Luckily, no harm came of my babies after Trent injected me with a sedative drug.

I moved out of Jericho's house and moved in with my sister, leaving my wedding ring behind. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you love someone, if the situation isn't good for you, you have to let go. I left Jericho and it broke me. I didn't know rather Trent had killed him or not. I cried for days. This stress was so not good for the twins and my doctor practically commanded me to take it easy. I sat in the guest room of Chase and Mackayla's mansion day after day crying. Depression had claimed me, claimed my life.

My nights were long and my days were just gone. Mackayla would stay up with me well into the night as I would cry. She would even sleep next to me. Until one day...

“I’m sick of this shit,” Mackayla shouted. I stare at her blankly through swollen lids. “All you do is cry! You're so depressed you won't even talk. It's like my sister went mute. Look, I don't know what happen between you and Jericho. Maybe one day you'll tell me, but this has gotten way out of hand. You don't even shower. And as your sister it's my job to call you on your shit. You gettin’ pretty musty. What happen to Ms. Glam girl? I miss her.” I just continue to stare at her blankly.

She sighs real loud then stalks into the bathroom. I hear water running. “When I come back you better be in that tub getting yo’ scrub on or else I’ll have Chase throw you in there.” She said leaving the room. Once the door closes I burst into tears. 

Married To Mr. Serial Killer{#thewattys2018}(BWWM)(Story #1 Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora