★Seize The Moment

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I stood in the crowd amongst reporters from all over Dove City waiting for the FBI to give their statement about "Death Trap" in front of City Hall. The mayor and the police department were all here. I felt sick to my stomach. I did not want to be here and as Agent River MacKelly stood upon the podium I tuned him out. It was a stupid move I know this was my job, but this was a harsh reality. To know the person you've been snuggling up with is out terrorizing the city. The even more fucked up thing about it is I still could not let him go. I know this relationship could destroy me. The feeling was like a drug. It's bad for you, but it makes you feel so damn good all the time, every time. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't know the agent was done with his speech and was now taking questions. In spite of there being dozens of reporters the agent gazed directly at me when I yelled out. Being pretty and well-dressed has its advantages.

"Agent Mackelly, how do you expect to keep the public safe when the killer attacks randomly," I yelled. I didn't expect he would have a direct answer to that, but this was Mackelly a well-known cop.

"We know where this un-sub likes to attack and we know when– from previous attacks. So we ask the public to do all activity during the day." I bet Jericho was somewhere watching and laughing his ass off.

"The public wants to know are you any closer to catching this mask killer. I mean you said it yourself the killer leaves no evidence behind and you can't even identify him." I took the opportunity to bogard him.

Mackelly smiled faintly at my question like he had a trump up his sleeve. "The suspect is possibly male between the ages of 30-40. It is possible he has military training. His profession could be a job where he uses his hands, for example welding, construction..." I stopped listening after that more so of the fact I knew some of that information was true. Were the FBI closer to catching him then they were letting on?

Later I sat in my office doing research on my phone because I definitely could not do this on the company's computer. Some of the most notorious serial killers in American history had fans, even had women panting after them. It was creepy actually, but what does that make me... But I wasn't attracted to Jericho because he was a killer. I was attracted to him because of how he makes me feel, so fucking alive. He keeps me guessing. I just never know what he's going to do next. It excites me, fascinates me to no end. And the way he turns me on... God, it feels like I caught a fever. I bite my lip and run my fingers along the necklace he brought me. I wore it every day. I placed my head within my hands. I'm such a hopeless case.

I left the office and drove and drove until I found myself at the mall. Looking around the parking lot I noticed it was pretty packed. People probably felt it was safe since the FBI was on the case. I checked the time on my phone. It was a little bit after two.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Dalia's Jewelers. What are you looking for this afternoon?"

I smile very brightly at the nice gentleman and said, "Something special."


"Jericho!" I practically squealed, giggling. I squirmed as he sprayed a line of cold whip cream down my stomach, placing sliced strawberries on top. We were both naked on my bed, minus the sheets.

"Say my name again," he demanded and lapped up the whip cream and strawberries. His tongue must be magic.

"Why?" I teased, closing my eyes as his tongue made a slow descent down my stomach.

"It'll make my dick hard." The way he said those words turned me on.

"Jericho," I breathed.

"You're something special, you know that." He finished off the line.

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