Real Friends

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Real Friends

Sasuke made her sit on his bed and went to get the first aid kit. He came back with a first aid kit half the size of his torso. "That cuts really deep, I think it needs to get sewed." He took out a needle and some thread. "I've never really done this before but I'll have to try." Moriko nodded, signaling for him to do it. Sasuke tried to keep the stitches as close together as possible. Moriko didn't give him a hard time. She stayed still, not even wincing. Sasuke cleaned up all the blood in her arm and wrapped her whole forearm in bandages. "There."

Moriko slowly placed her arm on her lap with her eyes glued to the bandages. And in an almost inaudible voice, she muttered "Thanks."

"I'm sorry..." at this she looked up. "...for ignoring you. And believing my parents when they told me you're a monster. But what you did earlier, proves that you're not a monster like everyone thinks you are. And...thanks. If it wasn't for you, I probably would have been dead."

Moriko gave him a small and actually visible smile. But it left as soon as it came "I actually a have a personal reason for doing what I did back there."

Sasuke looked confused "What personal reason?"

Moriko looked down on her knees, her long hair partially acts as a curtain around her. "Its...he reminded me of my brother. That is until he killed your whole clan."

"H-he k-killed them. He killed everyone. I'm the only other Uchiha left. He said he did it all to test his skills. But by butchering the whole clan? I hate him! I hate him so much!" his tears started pouring down on his cheeks. He sobbed as quietly as he could, only letting out a few hiccups.

Moriko moved closer to him and rubbed his back to try and comfort him. Sasuke quickly reacted by wrapping his arms around her as he continued to cry. She hugged him back. They stayed there for a couple minutes until Sasuke calmed down and fell asleep soon after.

The ANBU finally came and took Sasuke to the hospital, and of course blamed Moriko for the massacre and sent her to the Hokage. When they got there, she told her grandfather what really happened. He then scolded the ANBU for quickly accusing her without having much proof.

Sasuke quickly sat up in bed. 'It was all just a dream.' he thought. But then, he noticed the cuts in his arms. He overheard the nurses talking about the Uchiha massacre and quickly ran over to the Uchiha compound. What he saw really depressed him. Not a single soul was in the compound. His family is gone, never to return.

He kept walking, hoping that someone was still alive. Even though he knew he was the only Uchiha left, he just didn't want to believe it. As he walked through, he got flashbacks of all the memories he had with his family, both good and bad. Soon, rain started pouring.

He then noticed someone standing a couple meters in front of him and recognized it to be Moriko. He saw the bandage on her arm which was half coloured red with blood. His frown deepened. He remembers how she tried to save him that day and got injured for it. He snapped out of her thoughts by Moriko's voice "May I accompany you?"

He just nodded. Sasuke continued to walk with Moriko beside him.

"I know how you feel."

"Hn." Sasuke said as a sign that he heard her though he didn't look at her direction though his tone indicated that he didn't believe her.

"You wake up, hoping that everything was just a dream. But then reality comes to face you and no matter how badly you want to look away, you just can't. You see clearly what has happened, but you just don't want to believe it." It was silent for a while as Moriko waited for her words to sink in. "I know because...I've been through the same thing. Everyone around me was fighting and the villagers died in front of me, I couldn't do anything but watch as it happened."

Moriko felt someone's chakra even though he tried to suppress it. "I have to go now, you think you'll be okay?" Sasuke nodded and Moriko walked away. Once she was far enough away from the compound she quickly and quietly went back and hid on top of a roof, above Itachi and Sasuke. She made sure neither one of them sensed her, as she listened to what Itachi had to say to Sasuke. After Itachi left, she decided it would be best to leave him alone in his thoughts and took her leave.

That night, Moriko saw Sasuke sitting at the edge of the docs at the lake. Moriko sat next to him.

They stayed silent for a long time. Until Sasuke decided to break it. "About your brother, what was he like?"

"I can't talk about him. Not without letting out negative emotions."

"You know, its good to let them out once in a while."

"Not when your me." She sighed. "My powers are controlled by my emotions and all the plants around me will respond to those emotions. My emotions could destroy Konoha. I don't just hide what I feel, I have to force myself to not feel anything at all. I have to. If I feel happy then it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm not."

Sasuke looked at her, though he couldn't really see much due to the lack of light "Do you think you'll ever be able to feel and still control your powers?"

"I hope so. Its my dream, the freedom to feel like everyone else. But I'll have to get stronger, much stronger. So I'll be able to control my powers even with emotions."

"I'll get stronger too." his eyes showed pure determination, and underlying hate. "I'll surpass my brother, and avenge my clan."

"Are you sure that's what you want to be? An avenger."

"My mind is set. I'll kill Itachi for what he did." he glared at the floor almost burning holes on them.

"I you."

Sasuke quickly looked up to meet her blank eyes. "Hn?"

"I hate your brother for what he did almost as much as you do. Also, an avenger's goal is always what leads them to their downfall. It would be terrible if the Uchiha clan falls. Itachi has already fallen due to the path he decided to take. Its all up to you. Like you said, your the only other Uchiha left. I'll help you avenge your clan, but promise me you won't fall into the darkness like your brother."

"I promise. I don't want to be like my brother, I hate him. I'll also help you with your dream."

"You will?"

"Yeah, what friends are for, right?"

"Friends? Ino told me we were friends. Then she left me."

"I won't ever leave you. I promise."

Moriko stayed silent, thinking about everything that happened between them and between him and Itachi. "You...wouldn't try to kill me will you?" she averted her eyes to the lake beneath her. Still feeling Sasuke's stare she said "I heard what Itachi told you earlier."

"Don't worry I won't."

"Alright. I believe you." she could tell he was being sincere and gave him a small closed eyes smile.

"You should really smile more often. It suits you better."

That's the last thing either of them said the entire night.

It's been three weeks and neither Sasuke of Moriko came to the Academy since. It was almost time for class. All of Sasuke's fangirls were staring at the door waiting for 'their' Sasuke to finally come back to class. Every single one of them wanting to be the one to comfort him from what they heard happened to him.

The door opened to reveal Moriko with Sasuke beside her. She ignored all the confused stares and glares she received from her classmates and went to her usual seat. Sasuke was about to sit beside her when Naruto came over to them and yelled "Hey Moriko! Can I sit next to you!"

"No dobe, I'm sitting here." Sasuke answered for her while pulling out the chair.

Before the two could start arguing, Moriko got up and sat on the seat they both wanted. Sasuke sat on the seat she was just on while Naruto sat on the other seat next to her. "Hey Moriko, let's be friends!"

Moriko winced at his loudness. "I guess. but you have to stop being so loud."

Naruto gave her a such a big smile that Moriko thought that his face would split in two.

That's when Iruka-sensei came in to start the lesson in class.

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