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It's been a month (well more or less) as I have decided who will adopt this story. I'm really sorry to the others, only one can adopt this story.

I have decided to hand over this story to @Crystal2525

Yup. Her.

Okay, so Crystal, you can take over this story now :)

You can do what you want with it, however, there are still a lot about this story that I haven't revealed yet. And I know this is yours now but I do think you'd at least like to know more about it. Of course you can choose whether or not to put it in the story or whether to discard it.

I won't put it here since its that would be spoiling for the rest of the people who read this story.

I want to tell you more about Moriko's backstory. Now to be able to tell you this privately is the other question. It obviously can't be on this site since there aren't any PMings.

We can do it in email or a different social media. For email, just tell me in the comments, though I don't recommend this for reasons that I hope is obvious. (If you do decide to communicate through this then I suggest making another email account)

For social media. Well I have this app called "Anime Amino" which you can download on your phone an my name on there is "Kyrie Fiyretta". If you choose for us to speak through here then friend me on there and tell me in the comments about what your username is on the app.

Another way we can go about this of course is I'm not sure about other people in here but I have an account on both this and that site. And in we can PM each other. Just tell me in the comments then what your username is on that account :)

Well whatever you choose (or not choose?) just comment on this "chapter" telling me what you'd like.

As for the rest of you, well, you can go to @Crystal2525 for this story from now on ^~^

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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