September 14

22 4 0

So from now on, I'm just going to focus on school and tennis because every time I don't, some shit starts, I get deleted from a group (although I don't even care) and I lose my fucking headphones.

But whatever. Every day I practice for hours. Then I come home and do homework for hours. And I do stuff around the house too.

My life is work now. That's it.

My life:
Michael and Brionne

That's it. So Dahleigh and Jennifer, if you ever read this, could you just 100% stop fucking talking to me? You guys aren't a part of my life anymore and I don't need either of you.

So Destructive_Mind move on

I would say for you to Jennifer, but you moved on a long time ago.

Lol to all you readers who don't know me in person, I'm sorry you even read this man. Like lol, you put up with me and my shit and idek why. Thanks though, love y'all~

My LifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt