January 14

31 4 1

Today was just a crappy day.

1. My friend likes my ex and I almost died when I heard it. I was literally pacing around a library sighing loudly and then I just fell on the floor like "why?!"

2. I kept thinking about #1

3. There's this other dude and he said this one thing and it kinda hurt my feelings and I kept thinking about what a bad choice I was making and how I need to stop. But the thing is, I couldn't stay mad at him! The second he started talking to me I became happy and I was like "why?!"

4. My friend can't go to a tennis tournament tomorrow, but me and Jennifer are going and she's gonna be alone.

5. Me and Jennifer got into a fight, but it's all good now so whatever.

6. Jennifer read my "Day 4~" on my book 30 Day Writing Challenge 3 and I didn't want her to!

7. I've just been in a bad mood all day.

Everything will be better tomorrow though!!!!!! Right?

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