August 19

22 5 2

Well today is my brothers birthday but he's in San Angelo so I can't see him. But either way, happy birthday to him~

But today I had my second varsity match (my first was Tuesday) and I did pretty dang well, even though I didn't win.

So like first I had to do doubles with Vivian and I SUCK AT DOUBLES! Man, I feel so bad, I let her down so much and we lost pretty bad (2-6 and 1-6)...

But then I had to do a singles match and I did pretty good! Like me and the chick were evenly matched and we had a similar playing style so we ended up going into a super tie breaker.

So first I won a set with 6-1

Then I lost the next set with 2-6

So then we had to play a super tiebreaker (first one to 10 points wins) and I lost 7-10

But dude!!!!!! I played sooooooo well! Like my coaches were so proud of me and I was pretty freakin proud of myself. But I also was frustrated with myself because I would make simple mistakes. Man, I was so frustrated on the court when I was losing and it got to me. Like honestly, I was so into this match, it was intense.

But the chick was freakin rude and mess, along with the rest of her team. Like they were talking crap behind my back, saying stuff about me and my team. And then her friends kept talking to her right in the middle of games and it was so annoying. God, I hate Hanks varsity girls. They are so rude and annoying.

But yeah, I lost but I played really well so I'm happy yet frustrated.

It sucks though 'cause overall we lost to them. They got 14 points as a team and we only got 3. But we also had to forfeit some points because we didn't have enough players (therefore we give them the point). But honestly, we were pretty evenly matched with them. Like a lot of us had to go into tiebreakers/super tiebreakers and the matches lasted forever.

We started at like 9 am and it barely ended at like 1:30

I'm so tired man, it was intense.

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