five; reaction

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"Matthews, ready to go?" I said, bursting through the Matthew's apartment door. I slipped my backpack onto the floor and ran over to the table to eat breakfast.

Riley agreed and we headed out the door. Before we made it out, Topanga sent her everyday speech her direction, only a bit weirder. "Have fun, girls. But not too much fun, Riley."

She let out a small laugh and I looked over at Riley who was just as confused and amused as I was. She shrugged and we kept on to the subway. I could tell that Topanga knew something about something. But, I didn't know what that something was.

We entered the big school and headed our separate ways to our classes. It stunk that Riley and I didn't share all the same classes, but it was close enough. 


"Riley!" I exclaimed as I ran up to her, embracing her in a hug. It was time for lunch and we were on our way. 

"Riley!" We heard a voice exclaim. Lucas.

"How's my girlfriend?" Lucas pried, wrapping his arm around Riley.

"Good." She blushed. 

I looked over, trying not to vomit. I saw Farkle, who was speed walking our way, and determination filled his eyes. This can't be good.

F A R K L E 

It's now or never, Minkus. Just do it. Come on, come on. One kiss. One kiss! For Riley's happiness, not for yours, remember! Come on, do it, man!

"Hey!" Maya said, whipping her head my direction. "I'll talk to you. Anything to not see Lucas being a flirt, like always." She rolled her eyes and my heart broke; not now, yes now!

"Hey Riley?" I asked her, my palms sweaty and my heart pounding. I think it wants to escape this big, sloppy catastrophe. 

"Oh, hi!" She giggled and pulled me into a hug. "What's up?"

"Could you help me with an experiment?" I asked nervously. I twiddled my thumbs, but decided to be confident and hope she feels something too.

"Yeah, sure?" She began as she rose an eyebrow. "What kind of-"

Before she could speak any more, I kissed her. She looked at me with an expression that I couldn't put my finger on.

I looked at a surprised Zay, a shocked Maya and a very angry Lucas. I had better run then, but I didn't. I pulled Riley close, "Listen, just think about what I said about chemistry. Okay?"

"Okay," she stuttered, biting her lip nervously. 

"Riley?" A voiced piped up. Lucas Friar, the boyfriend of the girl I just kissed.

She spun around, concern filling her brown eyes. He just stared back. "What was that?"

"I don't know." she said before running off. I assumed she was heading home. 

Maya grabbed me by the collar. "What was that, Minkus?" 

"An experiment." I said slyly, between gritted teeth.

She raced after Riley and they walked together. I looked at Zay and Lucas, who were staring at the lockers emotionless, and at the group of kids that saw. 

"Well, that happened." Zay chuckled. 

"I'm sorry, Lucas. I needed to do that. It was an experiment, and we will see the results soon enough. Okay?" I hoped he would understand.

"Okay, sure. I don't even know what happened." He sighed and went to class.

I hope I did the right thing. I hope they forgive me. I know they will.


Why did he kiss me? 

My mind raced as I walked outside the school with Maya. She looked up at me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed. "Maya, why did he kiss me?"

She shrugged, "He said it was an experiment." 

That makes no sense, I thought to myself. 

Maya smiled at me. "Sweetie, I am going to head back to class, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I faked a smile at her. "I am gonna go home."

My walk home was slow and painful; I couldn't understand why I felt this way about the kiss. In fact, I didn't even know how I felt fully.

"Listen, just think about what I said about chemistry. Okay?"

His words repeated over and over on a time lapse in my brain. I liked it? We have chemistry? Minkus and Matthews? No way. Yes way? Maybe way. I have a boyfriend! Why does he want me to feel things that don't aline with the now?

I melted. I melted into a little sobbing mess on the floor next to my bay window. All spun in my blanket; a teary eyed, mascara mess.


I feel like a big, giant jerk right now. 

My heart was pounding, almost worse than earlier. I could hear sniffles through the window so I tapped lightly. My hands were full. One had flowers, the other a smoothie. 

Tap, tap, tap.

She unlatched it, not moving from wherever she was hiding. I slid it open and found the sad girl curled in a ball on the floor. I scooted next to her and bit my lip nervously, "Riley, I am sorry."

"No, no!" She began. "You didn't do anything."

I shrugged, "Then who did? I am the one who kissed y-" 

"Farkle, my feelings did this to me. I realized that I don't have chemistry with Lucas." she sighed as she twiddled her fingers, spinning her friendship ring from Maya around.

"I am sorry." I sighed, pulling her into a hug. "Well, what are you going to do?"

"I am going to break up with him tomorrow." she sniffled.

"Yes." I chuckled. "So, how did you feel when I kissed you?" I smirked with my new found confidence.

"Fark, let me get through the break up first. I'll tell you how I felt after school tomorrow. I want to sleep on it. Okay?"


a/n; guys guys guys this was so big! please get this chapter to 10 votes, pretty please with a cherry on top? 

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