Chapter 9: stares....

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"Um who are you?" I heard a little girl's voice....

I looked at who was tugging my arm,...

A girl with brown hair and bloody eyes.....

I took a deep breath....

"I'm blahaze." I said casually.....

The blond boy smiled....

"I'm Ben as in Ben drowned! Wanna play video games?" He asked....

"I'm jane, jane the killer!" A girl said.....

"I'm Sally." The little girl said....

"I'm little girl but call me LG." Another child pasta said.....

"And that's eyeless jack!" Ben said pointing at a boy with a blue mask....

I hopped on to the couch.....

"So you're new here huh?" Ben said while passing me the controller...

"Yeah!" I answered....

We played....

"So are there anymore killers here?" I asked.....

"Yeah, tons of em." He said....

"So how did you get here blazers?" He asked...

That was the first nick name I heard...

"Slender found me...." I shrugged.....

"So, you like Jeff? Insane human?" He asked....

"More or less. I can do this." I said....

I created fire out of my h

Ben smirked....

"Nice!" He said and suddenly his hands emitted fire too.....

He held up his fist....

"Best bro?" He asked....

I bro fisted him....

"Totally!" I said.....

I met the other killers.....

They were cool and insane....

Suddenly I noticed a dark masked guy with a cross bandaged mouth staring at me the whole time.....

Suddenly hunter went beside the guy....

The guy whispered something to hunter which shocked him slightly.....

I wonder what's up.....

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