Chapter 2: gone

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The next day....

I woke up...

Cold on the cardboard bed....

"Hm?" I was surprised....

It was usually warm...

Danny beside me....

But not....

He wasn't there....

"Danny?" I called....

I stood and rubbed my sleepy eyes...

"Hey Danny, I don't wanna play this early!" I yawned.....

No answer....

No Danny....

I checked the streets....

No Danny...

"Maybe he went to get food." I said....

I sat on the box...

I hugged the blanket Danny gave me.....

It was small and wasn't much helpful....

But it reminded me....

Danny's efforts to keep us together....

So I waited....

An hour passes...

No Danny...

5 hours pass....

No Danny.....

Sunset comes....

No Danny....

Night comes....

Still no Danny....

I laid on the cardboard....

"Where are you Danny?" I called.

No Danny....

Not ever....

I waited for months....

Danny come back...

I strived to survive on my own....

People pitied me....

Leaving me food and nickels...

But I wouldn't eat nor buy.....

I stayed near the lamp post...

Where Danny and me played...

I wanted cry....

But I promised Danny...

I would never cry....

Time passed...

It was snowing....

I was the only child left out in the cold...

I'd rather freeze to death than leave this spot....

"Danny will come!" I whispered...

"I know he will!" But that was a sad lie...

He didn't come...

I heard sirens.....

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