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Sorry for all the republishing and shit, I realized I haven't proof read shit and it was all bugging me really badly. Also i changed my mind on the whole schedule thing (certain amount of votes/comments for next part), because i saw this 'tips on writing' book or something posted onto here, and it was talking about how you shouldn't publish for other people, you are writing for yourself and what you want to write about. So that's what I'm doing. I will still try to update regularly, but I will update when I update, and I'm just not gonna care about votes and all that shit.

So continue to enjoy...

"What was that?" Johannah looked at Louis, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"N-Nothing... I'm sure it was just the cat."

Johannah started towards the stairs, "we had to put down Muffins a few weeks ago."

"And you didn't think to tell me??" Louis said over-dramatically, trying to distract her.

"Shut it, you hated that cat."

Louis followed nervously as his mum neared his bedroom door. When she opened it, Louis found himself holding his breath, "seriously, Lou? What did I tell you about trying to put things up in the dark." Johannah rolled her eyes. Louis poked his head into his room, curious as to why she wasn't screaming at him about a naked guy in his room, Louis just noticed that his alarm clock had fallen off his nightstand and his lamp was very close to the edge.

"Sorry, I must have bumped it was getting dressed and it just now fell." Louis went into his room to put the things back where they should be.

His mum sighed, "What ever, I'm going to get the two twins read for bed, don't stay up to late, remember: tomorrow is Monday." Louis' mum left, leaving Louis to drown in relief.

"Pretty sly, am I right?" Harry whispered, poking his head out from underneath Louis bed.

"Why the hell did you leave the closet?" Louis glared at Harry, frustrated he didn't listen.

"I couldn't breathe, I was getting claustrophobic. I left and as I was reaching for my briefs my bum hit the night stand and your alarm clock fell... Sorry."

"You need to leave, I'm sorry to kick you out, but you can't stay."

"Understandable." Harry got dressed, and they stalked downstairs without a noise. Louis heard his mum in the bathroom with Doris and Ernest, using her being distracted as an opportunity to sneak Harry out.

"What are you doing?" Phoebe asked, a hand on her hip, "who's this?"

"Phoebe, I will pay you to keep your mouth shut."

"How much?" She raised a brow.

"I don't know, what do you want."

"Your room."


"Fine," she grumbled, "take me and Daisy shopping."

"Deal. Now mouth shut." Louis glared at his younger sister. Phoebe pulled an imaginary zipper over her lips, demonstrating that her lips were sealed.

Once they were out on the front porch, Harry spoke, "so, I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Of course." Louis smiled.

"Good, see you then." Harry placed a light kiss to the top of Louis nose, sending tingles through his whole body.

"Okay... bye." Louis said a little above a whisper.

"Goodbye." Harry waved, jogging out to his car.

Louis walked inside and silently shut the door behind him.

"You know I wouldn't be as disappointed if you had just said, 'hey, by the way, Harry's here', ya know." Louis turned around to his mum staring at him.

"Wait, so you knew he was here??"


"Then why'd you let us stumble around silently like morons?"

"Because it was entertaining," Johannah winked in a mocking manner, "and you didn't ask before bringing him over. You know, I would've said yes, I love Harry, such a kind soul.

"Phoebe the shopping deal is off." Louis yelled, hoping that she would hear him wherever she was in the house. 

"Uuuug, why are you so mean?!?" Phoebe groaned dramatically from the kitchen.

Louis rolled his eyes and continued to the bathroom, where it was then he decided he might as well go to bed early.

"My mum knew you were there when she came home." Louis whispered to Harry the next day sitting in world history. Mr. Dun had made a new seating chart, which, coincidental, put Louis and Harry next to each other.

"Really?" Harry smiled, trying not to laugh, so they wouldn't get in trouble.

"Yes, really." Louis glared.


"She heard us and thought it was funny." He grumbled.

"Well, I think it's funny too." 

"You're so rude, I was scared half to death when my mum said she heard us."

"At least she didn't come in while you were moa-" Harry was cut off.

"Mr. Tomlinson... Mr Styles, is my teaching interrupting your conversation?" Mr. Dun glared at the two talkers.

"Yes actually." Louis snapped back, Harry just stared at him like he was crazy.

"Well, I'm sure you could continue your conversation in the office if it's that important."

"Actually, by calling us out, you're taking time away that you could be spending teaching the rest of the class. We are whispering, so far you have had no complaints from anyone else about us, so you could literally just continue your lesson with no complaint." Louis crossed his arms, already planning several retorts;  Harry, on the other hand was extremely embarrassed, and hid his face in his hands. 

"Office now. I will not put up with this kind of behavior. Harry, you are more than welcome to join him, or you can shut up and pay attention."

"I-I'm good." Harry stuttered, his face bright red.

"Goody-two-shoes." Louis whispered to Harry as he packed his stuff up. He was hoping that he and Harry could skip together and do something more fun, like foreplay.

"Shut it." Harry whispered back angrily, staring at his book.

Louis rolled his eyes and walked to the front, snatching a pass from Mr. Dun that said Louis was going to the office for back talking .

"You can explain to the office what happened, I will email the full story later, so they and I will know if you're lying."

"Whatever." Louis left the class, crumbling the slip in his hand as he did. 

It's a little short for my liking, but I'm too tired to write and I think that left off pretty okay. Kind of a cliff hanger but not, I guess... idk. I just found it to be a good place to leave off, and I really don't wanna write right now. 


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