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The next day Harry came to school with a new found confidence. Louis will be his friend... or at least he will get Louis to talk to him.

"Let's go already!" Harry said, dragging Niall to world history.


"I need to break Louis."

"You need to wha-"

"Okay, so from my creepiness and how I can read a person really well," Harry started.

"You can-"

Harry interrupted Niall again, "I've found out that Louis has walls built up... I don't know why, but I'm going to find out." Harry said, smiling widely.

"If there's anything I know about you, this is going to end horribly. If you sense that he has walls up-"

"I know he does."

Niall rolled his eyes and sighed, "he has walls up for a reason, I think you shouldn't pester him. Not every one can handle... you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're very out going, and sometimes that intimidates people..." Niall says hesitantly, no matter how strong Harry seems, Niall knows that he is a very sensitive person.

"I know.." Harry paused, "it just seems like Louis is very lonely. He sits alone at lunch, he walks home alone, he has no friends... I-I just feel bad."

"I know, but sometimes it isn't our place."

"I don't care, I'm helping." Harry said. Niall knew there was no changing his name.

"What ever, lets go to class." Niall shook his head.

"You can go ahead and get with your partners, that I assigned yesterday, and work on your assignment."

There were a couple of groans that were heard throughout the classroom, but Harry, on the other hand, was trying to contain his excitement.

"So..." Harry bit his lip nervously.

"What?" Louis snapped. He was on his phone, texting someone. Harry tried not to peek, but he couldn't help it. The name at the top of the screen read 'Whore'. Harry made a face and looked away.

Harry frowned, "Never mind." He shook his head and started playing with a hem that was poking out of the bottom of his shirt.

Louis sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm sorry... Sorry." He took a deep breath and spoke more calmly, "what?"

"I-" Harry looked up and was breathless. Louis eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue, Harry was in utter awe.


Harry snapped out of the terrace and blushed, "Sorry... I was just w-wondering if you were going to help... or..."

"I already did it."

Harry looked up in shock, "what?"

"Yeah, I had study hall yesterday after my French class, so I went to the media center and did the paper..." Louis shut his phone off and grabbed a folder taking out some papers.

"It's only four pages..."

"Wha- that's more than I would've done."

Louis just slightly smiled, then his face went to the 'bad boy' look he had before.

"This doesn't change anything, I still don't want you talking to me."



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