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"What do you want to watch?" Louis asked, a smile wouldn't, couldn't even if he tried, leave his face. He and Harry had been cuddling in Harry's bed for almost three and a half hours; of course with pee and food breaks. They've been watching The Walking Dead marathon for the longest time.

"I dunno what do you want to watch??"

"I don't know that's why I asked you, silly." Louis turned around in the bed so that he faced Harry.

"Do you actually want to do something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know... Go to the park? Get some ice cream? Oh! Do you want to do my make up??"

"Why would I do that?"

"I dunno, I think I'd be funny."

"Are you saying I have no talent when it comes to make up."

"Or anything else."

Louis gasped, "you dick."

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Have you ever even done make up?"

"No but I've been forced to watch a lot of make up videos. Lets do it."

"Okay... First we need to get up."

Louis groaned, "really?"

"Yes." Harry smiled, watching Louis roll out of the bed, landing in the ground with a small thud. Harry sat up, following Louis to the bathroom a few doors from Harry's. "I love how you've only been to my house once, but you pretty much already know where everything is." Harry chuckled.

"I've been here for almost five hours, how couldn't I know. Plus you gave me a tour first thing, and I have a pretty good memory... Where do you keep your makeup?"

"Under the sink."

Louis opened the cupboards to see a large makeup box. Louis opened it an gasped, "this is a mess. How in the hell do you find anything?"

 How in the hell do you find anything?"

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"Dig around till I find what I want." Harry shrugged.

"Fucking Christ.... Okay. What first?"

"I don't know, you're doing the makeup."


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