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"A few times I've been around that track, so it's not just gonna happen like that, 'cause I ain't no hollaback girl. I ain't no-"

Harry sat up with a whine and a groan, shutting off his alarm. He woke up irritated, he didn't want to go to school.

"Damn it." He muttered as he got out of bed.

Harry shivered, instantly feeling regret for not staying in bed.

Harry made his way to his closet staring at all of his pastel clothes.

"GEMMA!!" Harry calls for his sister.


"Help me!!"

Gemma opened the door, her eyes covered, "Decent?"

Harry looked down, "Yeah."

Gemma opened her eyes and squealed, covering her eyes again, "Harry, you dick! Put on some freaking underwear!!" Gemma slammed his door.

Harry fell into a fit of giggles, sliding his briefs on, "You're good."

"Twat." Gemma muttered. "What do you want?"

"I don't know what to wear." Harry said.

"That's it? Really?" Gemma rolled her eyes. She went to Harry's closet and started picking out clothes.

"Ooh that's cute. Thanks, Gem."

Gemma rolled her eyes, "I thought you'd be good at picking out clothes by now."

Harry laughed, "Nope."

Gemma had picked out a white sweater that went down to Harry's thighs, leggings, grey Ugg boots, and a pink pastel flower crown.

Harry hurried to put on the outfit so he could do his hair and makeup. He set his flower crown on the sink counter of his bathroom. He got out the makeup he was going to use and started applying it.

After he was done, he played with his curls for a couple minutes before setting the flower crown where he wanted, putting in a couple bobby pins to make sure it would stay.

Harry turned on his phone. It read 7:52. "Shit." Harry put his phone and head phones in his back pack and made sure he had everything he needed.

"Mum did you by chance make me breakfast?!" Harry asked, he had fifteen minutes to get to school, and since it was the middle of winter, he usually had to wait for Gemma's car to warm up, which took about five minutes. Then he had to get to first period by 8:05.

"Shit. Shit- shat." Harry grabbed the toast and mug of coffee his mum made him.

"I also started Gemma's car about... seven minutes ago. Hurry up your sister is waiting on you."

"Oh my mother of god, you are a life saver."

"I'm not the mother of god, but I am the mother of you. Now get to school before you're late!"

Harry nodded, he kissed his mum on the cheek. Along with his toast and coffee, Harry grabbed a banana on his way out.

Harry got into Gamma's car, made sure the butt warmers were on, and started eating.

"'Bout damn time... If you make a mess I will end you."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Okay."


Harry left Gemma as soon as she parked the car. What loser wants to be seen with their sister? Harry jogged into school. There were people still putting their stuff into their lockers, so he wasn't that late.

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