Michael's phone call / comes and tries to get Serena

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Preciously (might be some errors)

"Let me know if you wanna talk" Jared said walking, out but before he could I say "Jared wait I think I-"

Jared turns around and smiles at me "you think you what" Jared questions me I he walks closer to me but be for I could say my answer my phone rings "Jared please let me answer my phone" I say looking at it. "Sure princess but if it's that Michael Jackson you will break up with him Princess" I look at him and pick, up my phone "hello?" I say in a shaky voice "Serena baby where are you?" Michael says with a crying voice I look at Jared "can you please give me privcey I mouth. Jared smirks and says "why yes I will princess but you will tell me who it was when your done" Jared says walking, out of the room and shutting, the door "Michael I've been kidnapped by Jared Leto he- he- didn't hurt me but he did force me to moan alot please I can't do this anymore please S-" I was cut off by Jared opening, the door "give me your phone now princess" Jared said smiling. " NO JARED HES MY BOYFRIEND I WANNA BE WITH MICHAEL but I- yo- made me feel so good I don't know what to do" I said crying my eyes out. "Awww you love me don't you huh is that what you was trying to tell me princess" Jared says smirking and got closer to me and took the phone from me "Michael Michael king of pop right the Micheal Jackson that every girl adores well come by my place it's 38 linea drive los Angeles CA" Jared says laughing.

"ILL BE THERE TO GET MY GIRL AND IF YOU CALL HER PRINCESS AGAIN YOU WILL HAVE HELL TO PAY MR. LETO" I hear Michael's angry voice jeez I've never heard him yell like that my feelings right now are so messed up I don't know who I love anymore Jared took advantage of me and I'm sad but how am I gonna tell Michael. "Oh you wont have to tell him baby I will and haha I did read your mind because I can see the look on your face I can read people's minds by their facial expressions babygirl *chuckles*" I back up to a wall again still crying Jared gets closer and puts, both of his hands on the wall "what's wrong babygirl you upset did I confuse you with who you love?" Jared says moving my hair out of my face he was about to kiss me when his brother Shannon walked, in the room thank god. "What is it Shannon?" Jared said still looking at me "um sorry to interrupt Jared but some dude Named Michael Jackson is here" Jared turns around quickly and says "well Shannon don't just stand there bring him in" Jared said with a big smile on his face soon Jared ties me on the bed and Michael walks, in the room. Jared looks at Michael with a smirk "well well well looky who showed up princess your soon to be ex boyfriend because I almost made you like me and I'm gonna do all those things to you again babygirl but before I do I'm gonna tie Mr. Jackson up ahaha" Jared says while laughing Jared ties Michael up facing me and Michael looks at me with tears coming down his face "Serena I love you baby please no matter wh-" Michael was cut off by Jared taping his mouth shut. After a few Jared shuts the door and locking it. "Now where was we?" Jared said with a smirk on his face.


Warning: your reading at your on risk inappropriate senses are up ahead if you are not comfortable please do not read.

Jared walks, over to me and I could see Michael getting mad and he had tears coming down his face. "Please don't do this to her she's mine not yours Leto" Jared looks at Michael and says "listen here I want here and to be honest with you when you was looking at her and she was looking at you I looked at her" Jared says smirking after a few minutes Jared walked, back over to me and put, his hands on my leg and starts rubbing, it then he kisses my neck and shoulders causing me to moan I hear Michael getting mad because the chair he was sitting, in made noise everytime he moved. The next thing you know Jared went down to my womanhood and smirked and started kissing, and licking me all over my area was moaning Jared's name loudly "ja- Jared" I moan loudly but Jared spoke agenst my womanhood causing me to moan "no baby my names daddy when I do this" Jared says continued to lick and kiss my area. "MICHAEL I'm sorry" I moan loudly with tears coming down my face "daddy" I moan I could feel Jared smirk agenst me. "Good girl" Jared said smiling "and you taste great when you was busy moaning you cummed in my mouth" Jared said with a smirk. Finally Michael got so mad he managed to get out of the nots and tapped, on Jared and Jared turns around and him and Michael start yelling at each other. That's when I managed to quickly get out if the rope and quickly put my pants back on and run, to the front door but Shannon grabs, me "shit" I say out loud. But then a couple of minutes later Michael and Jared comes out of the room and stand there in the door way. But soon my feelings changed as I remember what Jared did to me he was too good at making me moan so I walked, over to Jared and said "I was gonna do this to you when I said wait and you walked. Towards me" I say rapping, my arms around Jared's neck and smiled at him. "Finally" Jared said putting, his arms around my waist and we kiss passionately.
After Jared and I kissed Michael was so mad he stormed out of the house and before he shut the door "oh and Jared I will get my revenge sooner or later". Michael says with a smirk on his face soon after he left.

Ohhh Mike is after revenge now lol stay toned to see what happens in the next chapter revenge 😈

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