
Over at the loft, Jennifer Blake pulled the entrance door open and started to stomp into the room. "Derek!" she called out. She then started running further inside. "Derek, where are you?"

"Right here."

Jennifer turned around and saw Derek walking slowly up from a corner of the room. "Oh thank god," she muttered as she then ran to him. She went in for a hug. "Something happened, at the recital, at the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear any of it from them."

"Hear it from who?" Derek asked her calmly.

"Scott. Stiles. They're going to tell you things. Things you can't believe. Okay, you have to trust me."

"What is it?" he asked looking right at her.

"Promise you'll listen to me," she pleaded to him.

Derek nodded. "Promise," he said softly.

Jennifer then went and gave Derek a soft kiss but pulled back suddenly when she felt that he wasn't being responsive to it. She looked back at him with a sullen face. "They're already here, aren't they?" Derek gave her a look before he turned his gaze to look over her shoulder. Jennifer turned around and saw Scott and Stiles step out from around the corner. The both of them looking at her with hard stares. Her jaw stiffened a bit. "So...they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?"

"We told him you're the one killing people." Scott was seething inside. Derek wasn't a person that could open up easily and then Ms. Blake came along and he could see Derek begin to finally start letting someone in. But she was only using Derek from the start to get close to them so they wouldn't suspect her, not until it was too late.

"Oh, that's right," she said with a sarcastic tone. "Committing human sacrifices, while cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour that way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense."

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked her. His face was hard and firm but his eyes were shining from unshed tears.

Scott could sense Stiles' tension and sorrow as his friend stood next to him. He knew how scared that Stiles had been with bringing his father into all of this and how he had feared something happening to him. Ms. Blake had literally brought his worst fears to life.

"How should I know?" she asked them. She then turned to Derek. "Derek, tell me you don't believe them."

Scott took a sniff in their direction and narrowed his eyes. "He already does," Scott said making Ms. Blake look back at him. "I could sense it from here. Probably because he can't sense anything from you there." Scott tilted his head towards his best friend. "Stiles figured it out on the way here. We've never really been able to sense anything from you. Nothing. None of your emotions, at least outside when you thought it was safe for us to." He took a visible sniff. "Only the scent of honey, to mask the scent of mistletoe and blood."

Stiles narrowed his eyes a bit at that. He couldn't believe that he hadn't seen it sooner. He should've figured that Ms. Blake was hiding something. All those times with how close they were to her, especially after she 'learned' about them but couldn't really pick up anything from her nerves. Only that scent. He should've seen it in class that morning, when he picked up that awful vibe coming from her and then had disappeared. That should've set off sirens, but he had been too caught up in the drama with his father to properly think about it.

She let a laugh out. "So, I have a nice smelling shampoo and conditioner and that makes me a serial killer? Really? Derek, why are you even listening to this?"

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