We ended up at the only mall in our small town browsing almost each and every single store that targets young women. Avery insisted on buying her something flashy and expensive like diamond jewelry. Jenny really does like flashy stuff but for their one month relationship even that was too much for her. Finally, we agree to settle on something more simple, a pearl anklet and a giant teddy bear. He will have roses later when the time nears.

A tiny spark of jealousy flare within me as I stare at the beautiful anklet. I wonder if Christian will beg Jenny to take her shopping for my birthday. I'm a simple girl, so anything would please me, but the thought of him doing something like that had butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Our time spent together, I was able to get to know Avery a little better. I guess he isn't so bad after all. Him and Christian have a lot of things in common especially the misconception everyone has of them. Avery just seem to see things in a lighter, more joking way whereas Christian was more serious, more mysterious.

We just hopped in the car when my phone ringed. My heart leap at the name on the screen. Christian.

"Hey." I answered.

"You guys done shopping?" he asked sounding impatient.

"Yeah we just finished, but Avery wants to take me to dinner to pay me back."

"No. Go home."

"What?" I was very confused. "Why?"

He sigh before continuing, "Where are you guys going?"

"I don't know..." before anything else was said he hung up.

I looked at my phone trying to figure out what just happen.

"Boy trouble?" Avery joked.

"Yeah..." I said unsure. I was just about to tell him that I needed to go home when his phone ring.

"Uh oh." Avery chuckles showing me the name on his screen. Christian

"What's up my dear friend?" Avery said picking up the phone.

I have no clue as to what Christian was saying to him but I know Avery was having a heck of a time mocking him.

"Oh you looking for your girl?"

"We're going to eat dinner. Nooo I'm not sending her off without feeding her." He smile devilishly. "I might even give her dessert."

He laughs like Mr. Clause, "Ho Ho Ho. Someone's mad...my lips are seal." And just like that he hung up the phone on Christian.

I wanted to ask him what they talked about but instead the words coming out of my mouth were, "Home?"

"No way. I promise dinner and dinner we shall have." He shifts the car into drive and we headed off to who knows where.


Avery took me to the same diner in the outskirts of town that Christian took me the last time. Apparently it was him who introduced Christian to it.

Dinner was almost over and I half expected Christian to call me again or text me but he didn't. The conversations that I was having with Avery wasn't really "comfortable". It's like he had a secret message in everything he was saying and to decipher it can mean trouble.

"You know, being forgiving is the greatest quality any human being can possess." Avery continue his spew.


Both Avery and I turn towards the voice. My eyes nearly popped. What is he doing here?

"Christian! How nice of you to join us," he said. Turning back to me he corrects my confused phase, "I texted him when we got here."

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