Chapter Nine - Sealed With A Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Sweetie, you can't stomach foods anymore." Whispered Maribelle to Luna. The redheaded woman handed her a sympathetic look. "You can try, but believe me, it'll only make you vomit horribly."

As if this week couldn't possibly get any worse! I can't even enjoy a slice of Pizza with Netflix anymore!?

"I'll just take one bite then." Luna just wanted to spend a little more time with Leo. She couldn't remember how long she's been knocked out for. How long it's been since Christie's death and her first ungrateful encounter with the rogue vampire Jax.

Maribelle led them to the kitchen. "Hey, Andiel! We got a precious little boy here who's starving!" She winked at them playfully. "I'll make sure our special little guest get's whatever he wants. I have a little brother your age, and he loves the french toasts that Andiel makes. You can top it with any fruit you want! Can even add a little powdered sugar and syrup."

Leo's belly grumbled and he nodded enthusiastically. "I love french toast! Can I have breakfast sausages and eggs too?"

A man with flour smeared across his cheek, hazel eyes and tan skin stepped into the room. "Yes, you can have sausages and eggs with your meal. It'd be a crime not to eat it together." He grinned at Leo, and then at Sean. "I take it that this is our new addition to the family?"

Andiel's dimple brightened up the room. His hair was kept extremely short and wasn't light enough to be brown, but not dark enough to be black. It was a very dark, dark, brown.

I'm guessing everyone here is physically active, because so far, it's like stepping into model haven. The residents had amazing physique. Luna felt very ordinary and out of place being there.

I didn't think I was that unappealing, I've had a few stalkers before.. but sheesh the folks here are so attractive it's inhumane. Wait, They aren't human.

Luna wondered what kind of creature the cook was as he laid a full plate in front of Leo. "Here! Try some," Leo poked at a perfectly sliced red strawberry with his fork and handed it to Luna.

She took a bite, but tasted nothing... only felt the smooth texture of the strawberry as she chewed diligently. Luna felt the back of her throat getting moist, readying for regurgitation as her stomach began to feel queasy from ingesting the fruit.

I'm gonna vomit...

She rushed to tiny trash bin in the corner of the room and retched, heaving the contents out of her system violently. Luna held onto her belly after wiping the perspiration at her brows away. "I... don't feel too good..."

"Are you okay?" Leo's worried voice.

She peeked back at Leo, as Sean found his way to her side pulling her into his arms. She felt too weak to move away. "I'm fine, I just need to lie down. Do you think you can finish your meal alone while I wash up, Leo?"

He shook his head in agreement. "Yeah, I can. I know you won't leave me." Leo's lips formed a pout of worry. "Be careful, Luna."

Luna let Sean lead her to the nearest washroom. "I should've listened. You might be a cold jerk, but you haven't lied to me so far..." She rinsed her mouth, brushed her teeth and washed her face aggressively, leaving no traces of the mess.

Sean rolled his shoulders. "I have no reason to lie. I could care less to spare someone's feelings. Lies only leads to misunderstandings and complications. I don't have time for either." The width of his shoulders and powerful body devoured the doorway. "Your child... Where is his father?" His face turned to it's usual scowl.

"Our parents died years back. It's only us now." She thoroughly wiped her face, feeling a little more refreshed but still weak.

Did he think Leo was her son?

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