Chapter 15: ...oops...

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Thank you lov399 :) Dedicated to them for their comment <3

*Still Jakes POV*

My mouth flew open. I stood there for what seemed like forever before I realized that I needed to say something.

"Oh... um... hi." I said, looking down.

"Silly Jake" she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. She smelled like peppermint, like my old house. It made me a little homesick.

"You surprised enough Jake?" Andy asked. 

"Heck yeah!" I said, releasing Clarice. 

"Shweet. I brought some scary movies so we can party tonight!" Andy said excitedly. Every time we usually got together we would watch at least one scary movie.

"Boo yah, Which ones?"

Ammies POV

"Kira!" I called, "Where are you?" I looked underneath the table, which was the last place to look. "Where are you guys?" I said more to myself then to anybody in particular. "I have looked everywhere!"

"Apparently not everywhere or you would have found us!" I heard Kira yell from somewhere in the living room. What the heck! I already looked in there like 6 billion times!

Right as I turned the corner a huge beastly monster jumped out and I screamed.

"Jim! Kira! Run!" I tore off towards the door, but the monster grabbed my arm and dragged me back. I was screaming and kicking the whole time. Suddenly he sat down on me and pulled off his mask! It was the most disgusting face I have ever seen...

Jims face.

He laughed in my face. "That was priceless!" He said rolling off me and onto the floor. 

"Jerk" I said getting up and dusting myself off. Kira popped up from behind the couch, and I glared at her.

"How did you do that? I looked there so many times!" She just laughed.

"Well silly, when you didn't see me the first time you came looking for me you went to a different room. While you were looking for me in there then I moved to a place where you already looked." She grinned big, thinking that she was the smartest person alive. I stuck my tongue out at her and waltzed towards the stairs. They were laughing pretty hard.

"1st to get to my room can play Terraria with me..." I called behind me before tearing up the staris to my room. Their laughter stopped, but you could hear them fighting to get up the stairs. A few grunts and also a few 'ow! That hurt!'. Truthfully, it was really funny. 

Finally Kira burst through the door with Jim right at her heels. She looked triumphant.

"Okay, looks like Kira gets to play!" I said happily. Truthfully I wanted her to win cause Jims boring.

I mean... 

What? Who said that?!

Jim made a pouty face and folded his arms over his chest. 

"Relax, Jimmy we can play later!" I smiled and he gave a 'harrumph' and stomped out of the room. Kira walked over and sat on the bed next to my desk. 

"So... yeah... what's Terraria?" She asked shyly.

"Ha you don't even know what it is and yet you fought my brother to get to it?" I stared at her, then started laughing.

"Hey! I just wanted to come.... party... with you. I didn't want to go home." She said defensively, crossing her arms.

I laughed so hard that my chair tipped and I fell off, bumping my elbow against the chair and my feet smacked the desk, making a picture frame fall off. 

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