Chapter 3: New Girl

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Chapter 3

New Girl

On my way to school, I noticed that a SOLD sign was in front of the Crosbys house.

I wonder who is going to live there now? Hopefully its another person like me! Then we could be best friends and live together without--

Haha. That would never happen. I seriously can't believe that I am a freaking junior this year. I took out my schedule and glanced at my class list.

1st class, English. Ew.

I sat in the front row where I always sit in my classes because it helps me pay attention better. On the board it said:

Please write down on a piece of paper 10 things about you.

Great. I just love when we have to have 'get to know you' time. I pulled out a notebook and opened it to the first page.

1. I'm 17

2. I only have 1 brother, Jim

3. My dad died in a car crash when he was driving me to a movie a few months ago.

4. I have a scar

5. I'm bullied

Just then, the bully himself walked in. He sat in the back of the row I was sitting in.

"Hey Lammie!" he pronounced it like 'Ammie' but with an 'L'. All his goons around him laughed and mumbled something to each other.

I ignored them and felt a wet splat on the back of my neck. Spit wad. Nice. 

6. My life sucks

"Laaaammmiieeeeee!" He said, with another fit of giggles from the herd.

7. I wish I could disappear.

SPLAT. This one landed in my hair. I tugged the spit wad out and threw it on the ground. Some of the paper stayed in my hair and I had to spend several seconds getting it all out.

"What do you want, Josh!" I spun around, in the process knocking all of my things off my desk, and on the floor. I mentally flipped him off as I bent to pick up my stuff. Just then the door opened and Mr. Thomas walked in with a new girl.

"I want to introduce our new student! Kira Jackson!" Everyone looked at her, I could already tell all of the guys were in love with her. She wore high heels that made her about 6 feet tall, red lipstick, blonde hair, a short skirt that came mid thigh and a tight green and blue shirt with a white undershirt.

Prep I what I thought and wrote down the last few things.

8. A klutz

9. No friends

10. No one is going to care when I read this.

She did a little awkward wave before walking past me to the back. As she waltzed by, her smell surrounded me for just a split second. Lemon and vanilla, with a hint of... black ice?

"Uh... you... with the--" Mr. Thomas pointed to me


"Ammie! That's right! Would you like to go first?" Mr. Thomas asked. I nodded my head and got up. Nobody paid any attention to me.... except for Kira. Mr. T. didn't even listen! I finished and sat down.

I heard a groan from the boys in back and suddenly I smelled lemon and vanilla.

"Hey, Ammie right?" Kira asked, sitting down next to me.

"Uh, yeah." I replied, shocked she would come and talk to me. She smiled and I could feel all eyes on us.

"Cool, I like your name! It makes me think of lambs and I think it's cute. Hey, can you tell me all of the kids names in this class... I kinda like to know which boys are that are hitting on me so I can hit them back." She winked, which made me laugh. I rattled off the names but stopped when I got to Cole. 3 words. 

He. Is. Attractive.

"And that's Cole." I glanced longingly at him. She followed my gaze.

"Hmmmm, he is adorable!"

Back off fruitcake, hes mine!

"Yeah... a lot of girls like him..." I trailed off.

"Do you like him?" She asked, turning to me. I froze in my chair... I could either answer her which means Cole would find out or I could just keep it to myself. I needed to answer quickly or she might think something was up.

"Kira! Come back!" one of the boys called from the back.

Whew, saved by the dick.

"Kiiiiraaaa!" Cole called and I seethed with jealousy.

"Well, better go, before they come and snatch me away. Talk to you later?" she got up and I nodded.

At the end of class, I had several spit wads in my hair as well as things that I don't even want to know. The first day of school is always really boring cause it's all about rules, what to do, what not to do, and getting to know each other.

When the end of the day came, I was totally excited to get home and not be around so many fake people. Sometimes they made me cringe about how shallow and fake the girls were. I opened my locker, and put my books in it. As soon as I pulled my hand away from the locker, Josh came up behind me and punched it, making it slam shut. 

"Hey!" I cried out.

"Hay is for horses! Which, I mean by the looks of it... you're more of a pig. Right boys?" His crew laughed in approval."

"Ha-ha. Yeah funny." I knew it wasn't true, but it still hurt.

"You know, if my daughter looked like you I don't know what I'd do." Josh said and took a step towards me.

"I know what I'd do." Kaidan said."

"And what's that?" Josh got even closer to me.

"I'd kill myself." As soon as the words were out of Kaidans mouth I could feel my vision become blurry. It seemed like a huge cotton ball was stuck in the back of my throat.

"I wouldn't just kill myself. I'd try and kill her too... in a car 'accident'." Everyone started laughing

"Don't talk about my father like that!" I screamed.

"I can do what I want. He is dead he can't hear me! Plus, you can't do anything about it you stupid bitch." I drew my fist up, but he caught it.

"Tut, tut, Lammie no violence here--" I brought my knee up to meet his family jewels.

"AHHHH! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" he yelled as I ran away. I'm pretty sure his voice was an octave higher. I ran blindly through the doors, tears streaming down my face.

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