Chapter 8: Not The Bathroom...

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We have a while to go on our story still so hang in there lovlies!

This chapter is for a great person named radicalmagical!


Chapter 8

I shut my window, smiling to myself the entire time I got ready for bed. I was so happy that I started skipping around my room. That is, until I tripped and smashed my head into the door frame.

Battle Scar! Yes!

I rubbed my sore forehead. Yep. Definitively gonna leave a mark.

I walked out of my room, head throbbing like none other. Jim came out and started laughing at my red face.

"Jim, this isn't funny so zip it." I gave him the most serious stare I could before turning around and running into the corner of the wall.

Today is going to be one of those days isn't it.

Joy. My glasses are bent as well. I'll have to go get them fixed later. They have needed to be straightened out for a while now... I'm just too lazy to go.

"Ammie! Is your forehead okay?" My mom asked, worry laced in her petite voice.

"Kinna, it hurts a lot and I can feel it swelling." she came and sat down next to me on my bed. She removed my hands and looked at the redness.

"Yup, you are going to have a bruise." Joy. "Anyway, Ammie breakfast is ready. Its Bacon Cereal." she left all excited. Lately my mom has been trying "New" recipes. Most of them I would gladly throw away.

I walked down the stairs again and sat at the table. No school today! Mom handed me the cereal and I poured milk in it. I usually try moms inventions just to make her feel good about herself.

I took a big bite and nearly threw up then and there. I like bacon and all but.... she did something weird to this...

Jacobs POV

Because I dreamed about my bike, I woke up thinking about her. It was brand new and I loved the way her engine purred. I could listen to it hum all day. I decided I was going to go ride her.

My sunglasses were downstairs so I grabbed my helmet and headed out.  Kira was about to sit on the couch when I noticed that something black was under--

"Kira! Sto-"

And my sunglasses were crushed.

"Oops." she said.

"Oops?! OOPS?! Those cost ... actually, they didn't cost much. But still. That was my favorite and last pair." I'm going to have to go to the store and get more.

"I'm sorry Jake! I really am!" She handed me the glasses back. They had one lens now and the leg of the glasses was broke in half. I stormed out of the house and jumped on my bike. I looked at Ammies house and wondered what she was doing today.

I kick started it on and drove over to her house. Even though it was only one house down I felt really happy to be riding my baby again. I've missed her.

I jumped off and sauntered to the door. Hesitantly, I knocked on the door. After a few minutes, it opened to reveal Ammie standing there looking surprised.

"Jake?" Something was different about her... I couldn't place it.

"The one and only." I replied and gave her my million dollar smile.

"What do you want?" she scoffed.


Where did that come from?

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