Chapter Nine: First Day

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John and Sherlock agreed to stay under the radar until later in the year, Sherlock was more nervous than anything when he stepped into the cab, holding Johns hand firmly, John took notice of his boyfriend's obvious distress.

"Hey." John said as they sat into the cab, "It'll be okay." Sherlock shot him a look that most people would probobly get angry at, but John stood his ground, he knew Sherlock was nervous, no matter how well he tried to hide it.

"I'm perfectly fine." Sherlock said sternly, John smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I know you aren't, but we don't have to talk about it." John said, still holding his boyfriends hand, who still clung to him anxiously.

The ride to their school was longer than Sherlock expected, he had never been there so he didnt really know how long it would be. Once the cab stopped, Sherlock felt more anxious than ever.

John showed him around, they found the science hall, the language hall, and the math hall, Sherlock knew the mass majority of his time at school would be spent at the science hall.

John walked him to his first class which was forensic chemistry, and awkwardly said goodbye to him, they wanted to look like just friends but both of them knew it would be difficult to pretend like that was the case, there was no other way to say goodbye without looking suspicious.

Sherlock walked into his class and immediately wanted to run back out, sitting in the very front was Philip Anderson, a kid he hated in highschool, he knew that he would dread that first period.

"Oh Sherlly, what a pleasant surprise." Anderson said in a mocked pleased tone, Sherlock just rolled his eyes and noticed that Anderson's fly was down and that he had oatmeal on the sides of his lips, something that made it look like he had vomitted right before class.

Sherlock sat down next to a brunette girl with glasses, She was staring at him the moment he came into class.

"I didn't know you were friends with John." She said sheepishly, putting her hair behind her ears, Sherlock looked over at her.

"Yes, he's my flatmate." He didnt think that was too suspicious, a lot of people shared flats. She just smiled and looked back at her binder, she had a bunch of notes about forensic chemistry, she had the molecule of caffeine drawn on the front of it with the word "need!" with arrows pointed at it.

Sherlock looked around the classroom and saw posters that had had witty jokes, some mocking the "dont do drugs." but replacing it with murder. There was the periodic table, a chart of the alphabet with each letter corresponding to a toxic substance that someone would try to kill someone with, like A for AntiFreeze, B for Bleach, C for Chlorine, etc.

Sherlock was slightly amused with all of the crime posters, he wanted at least one to put in the flat, he didnt think John would be to happy about it though.

"Okay class, shut it!" an angry man walked into the room, he has in his late 50s, he was married, unhappily. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, there were bags under his eyes and he was chewing gum angrily, Sherlock knew that he was a smoker and those were gum pieces with nicotine inside, Sherlock had a pack in his bag along with three nicotine patches on his arms. The teacher was rubbing his neck and bearing his teeth, he was rear-ended on the way to school.

"I got into a slight accident on the way here this morning." Bingo. Sherlock thought. He grunted as he sat down at his desk, pulling out some files. He looked up and scanned the sea of students, "Is there a William Holmes?" He kept searching.

Sherlock slunked in his seat and groaned, "It's Sherlock." The teacher rolled his eyes and nodded. Some people turned to look at him.

"Good to know you made it, I expect big things from you." Sherlock thought he must have been refering to his highschool transcripts, he was a 3.9 student, one D+ on an astronomy text set him back from a 4.0.

Sherlock nodded and pulled out a pencil fiddling with it nervously as he watched the people who were watching him look away, he lowered his head and let his dark curls droop over his eyes, through the curtain of hair he saw Anderson talking to some girl, she was obviously unimpressed with his flirting tactics, she probobly noticed the oatmeal.

Class went by just fine, Sherlock kept up and knew almost everything that he was being "taught." When the bell rang, the sea of students stood up and filed out, Sherlock was picked out of the crowd by his teacher and was called over to his desk.

"Have you taught yourself most of this stuff?" He asked while he was filing away papers, Sherlock glanced over at his papers, he saw the words, "Problematic" in stamp form across his transcripts, he grinned.

"Yes." Sherlock said plainly. The teacher stopped and looked at him.

"Well then, what are you doing here?" He seemed like he was angry that he was already teaching someone who could teach the class himself.

"They assumed that I was at beginner level." Sherlock shrugged and took a breath. The teacher pulled out a study guide.

"Tomorrow, you will come in before class starts, and take a test surrounding the entire course. This test is what those other idiots will take at the end of the year, study up and ace it." He shoved the packet towards him, Sherlock managed to grab it. "If you do a good job, you can move up to Advanced Criminology." The teacher smiled, Sherlock gathered that he also taught that course.

"Good luck, Mr. Holmes."

Sherlock nodded and shook his hand, exiting the room to see John leaning against the wall.

"Hey, Gorgeous." John smirked, Sherlock looked around nervously, John laughed, "Relax, no one is here." John walked up and kissed Sherlock on the cheek, Sherlock smiled.

"What did your teacher want?"

"Oh he wants me to take the final for the year, tomorrow." Sherlock smiled, Johns jaw dropped.

"That's insane!" John seemed angry.

"No, no, its fine! I'll be bumped to Advanced Criminology." Sherlock showed John the study guide, John looked really confused, flipping through trying to make sense of the nonsense infront of him.

"Study hard I guess." John laughed when he handed the packet back to him.

"I know all of this already, its not a big deal." Sherlock shoved it in his backpack, zipping it up harshly, not caring about the contents inside.

"Well, I have to go to my next class, luckily yours is in the same hall." John smiled and started to walk towards his class.

"You've already memorized my schedule?" Sherlock laughed, walking to catch up to him.

"Yes, obviously." John replied with a smile.

Sherlock smiled back and held John's hand, John was now looking around nervously.

"Didn't you say you wanted to keep a low profile?" He asked quickly.

"I changed my mind." Sherlock said leaning over, kissing the top of John's head.


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