Chapter Two: Speedy's

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Sherlock's phone buzzed, waking him from an uncomfortable sleep, he didnt sleep much, waking up off and on thoughout the night. He sat up and stretched, cracking his back by twisting in the chair, he stood up and walked into the kitchen, he had brought a coffee maker, which he had set up the night before.

He checked the time, 6:44 am. He sighed and drank his morning cup of coffee. He checked his emails once more to see if there was any update on the moving truck.

Hello Mr. Sherlock Holmes,

We are sorry to tell you that delivery of your truck is still being delayed, the truck broke down and was unable to leave your previous estate. We are working our very best to fix the truck and deliver your belongings. We are sorry for the inconviences.

Thank you for choosing EZMovers!

Sherlock grumbled, "Those bloody imbeciles! It would have taken me no time at all to fix that truck." Sherlock kicked the edge of the refrigerator, then immediately regretted it as he hobbled around the kitchen holding his toe.

Once he collected himself, he got dressed and headed down to the local mall where he bought some groceries and a few things the put around the flat, he found a scull poster that he thought would look great, and a skull of a bison, or cow. He wasnt quite sure which it was, but he thought it would do as well.

He got home at around 10:20, enough time to look presentable to John. He knew that his personality alone would drive him away, so he thought that being charming might persuade John into wanting the flat more.

Sherlock decided on a purple long sleave shirt and a pair of black slacks. He messed with his curly locks for a bit, nervously that is. Meeting new people wasn't his favorite pass time. He more liked the idea of never meeting people at all, living in a world where eye contact and small talk was banned. He took a deep breath and walked down to Speedy's.

Mike was already there, smiling as he saw Sherlock walk through the doors, he walked over to greet him.

"No movers today?" Mike questioned, Sherlock shook his head, and shrugged.

"Is John here?" Sherlock asked, he tried to quiet his nervous tone.

"Yeah, hes over there, ordering something." Mike pointed to a shortish fellow with blond hair, short cut, he wore a white t-shirt that fit tightly around his upper body, Sherlock blushed at the sight of him, God only knows what I'll do when he turns around. Sherlock thought to himself. Mike noticed Sherlock's gaze, and chuckled, Mike had suspected that Sherlock was gay, but he never told anyone. Sherlock glanced away and back to Mike.

"Well, does he know that i have room for another person?" Sherlock coughed slightly, trying to make it look like he was clearing his throat, he felt nervous, not something he experienced a lot, but occasionally he experienced fear and stress.

"Yeah, he asked if I knew anyone needing a flatmate." Mike smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

John turned around and noticed Sherlock, he smiled and walked over to greet him.

"Hello, you must be Sherlock." John shook Sherlock's hand firmly. Lord, help me. Sherlock thought to himself.

"John Watson." Sherlock said as smoothly as he could, hiding any indication that he was more nervous than he had ever been in his while life.

"I heard you had some moving truck problems?" John questioned.

Sherlock sighed, "Yeah, those idiots don't know how to properly deliver anything." Sherlock laughed, he watched as John laughed too, his smile made Sherlock feel something indescribable.

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