"Mom, please. Don't start this right now. Besides, I'm trying, okay?" He tried convincing her.

"Yeah, you've been saying this for the past year." She sniffled.

He explained, "Mum, I swear I'll put an end to it soon. I just need some time."

"How much time, Moutasim?" She inquired.

"Please don't make it hard for me than it already is, Mom. Try and understand my situation too." He begged.

She sighed, "Alright Moutasim, there's no use talking to you about it. Anyway, how's Riya?" Kashmala changed the subject.

"And why do you decide to ask me that?" Moutasim asked, a little irked.

"Well, I need to ask when you're around her." She joked.

"Mom! I don't have anything to do with her."

Kashmala was in a mood to tease him more, "Whatever Moutasim, don't be a fool trying to woo her. Things aren't the same anymore, you all are grown ups now. and I don't want people talking behind your backs."

"I can't believe you just said that. Firstly, you know I wouldn't be caught dead doing anything of the sort. Secondly, I don't give a hoot about anybody who talks about me. It's better if you stop caring too." He urged her.

"Okay, okay. I got it. I was only joking, your sense of humour is whacked big time, Moutasim. Take it easy, son." Kashmala cleared the air and Moutasim shook his head.

They talked for a few more minutes when Moutasim hung up the call, Hufaiz crossed the garden and walked towards him. Holding his guitar, he sunk in on a seat leaning against the recliner and kicked his shoes off.

After a minute of stiff silence, Moutasim broke it, "Where did you go?"

Hufaiz looked up from his phone and answered, "Oh, I and Wisam were gone playing football at his friend's place."

"Moutasim, you could have joined us, man," Wisam said as he descended the stairs of the glass walkway.

"Thanks, but I had some work needed to be done." He informed while closing the laptop lid and placing it on the table.

Shahraz had joined them in, lightly slapping his arm, he asked, "What's up bro?"

"All good." Came Moutasim's brief reply.

Shahraz looked at him in bewilderment, thinking deep.
"Why do you seem so changed to me? I mean, you don't talk much, don't hang out with us like you used to. Is everything alright, Moutasim?" Shahraz asked out of concern.

Hufaiz threw him a judgemental gaze and looked away.

"Life, I guess. Nothing serious." Moutasim answered with a meek smile.

Shahraz nodded, obviously not much talked into it, "Coffee?"

Wisam and Hufaiz shouted, "Yes!", and Shahraz went inside to find a servant.


"How did you break your phone?" Aleesha asked Riya.

"She must have smacked it on the wall or something." Arshiya supposed.

Riya rolled her eyes and kept quiet, her mind relaxed as Arshiya's fingertips smoothly danced around in her hair. It was like all her worries were slipping away with every stroke, each of her nerves was opening up to smooth out the knotted mess she carried in her head.

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