"Your father will obviously give your brother a call. Huh, where will we say you are?" He asked   

"I'll say I'm at yours. Ricardo trusts you with me. " Isabella said biting her full bottom lip.

Stop biting that lip!

"Ha! Your brother trusts no one. " He snorted then said as a matter of fact.

"Did you just snort?" Isabella asked before she unceremoniously fell into fits of giggles. That made music to his ears.

Marco looked at her oddly for a minute as if she was crazy. Well, giggling is better than talking. Or making a pointless conversation.

"Okay. I see you're done acting crazy." Marco said once her giggles died down.

Isabella punched his arm and Marco feigned hurt.

"I'm not crazy. For your information, I'm very much normal. " She said bringing her pink lips into a pout.

Marco could feel his member considerably growing at the thoughts crossing his mind at the idea of kissing those lips or them wrapped around him.

Okay, that's probably a bad idea, he thought. He was driving and she had full view of his crotch.

He would just drop her off and leave. Maybe he would visit Bianca today. She always entertained him with open arms and knew how to use that body of hers to pleasure them both. She was mature. The kind of woman he liked.

On reaching the house, Marco helped her loadout her bags from his trunk dropping them on the front door before he placed a kiss on her soft cheek.

"Bye. " Isabella said as she waved at him as he drove out. Only getting a hoot from him. She cupped her cheek and reveled in the feeling of his lips against her cheek, she could also remember the way his stubble felt.

It was not the first time she had been kissed but it meant much more than a physical pleasure to her now. By the way, her first kisses had felt disgusting and sloppy.

She turned and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

Paola walked through the corridors to the front door wondering who would be at the door.

A loud squeal emitted from Isabella's mouth as she recognized Paola.
"I missed you so much, amorcito. " Paola said as she squeezed Isabella.

"Look at how much you've grown. You're a woman now. " She added as she looked at Isabella with a smile on her face.

"Come in darling. " She said as she moved her bags into the house. "Who dropped you here?"

"Marco did. " She said.

"Does Ricardo know you're here?"

"No, it's meant to be a surprise. Where is he now?" Isabella said feeling excited at seeing her brother again even if she saw him just months ago.

"He's in his room now but____" Paola didn't get to finish her sentence as Isabella grabbed something from her backpack before she raced up the stairs.

Revenge Gone Wrong ( Criminal Love Series #2 )Where stories live. Discover now