Chapter 8

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//I know that in the cannon show that Dipper's eyes are brown. I decided to make them blue here just because I'm weird. I know it all! And thanks for reading!

ps. I know this one's short. I'm really just gearing up for the finally!

Mabel paced around in her dorm. She checked her watch to see that it was 3:00 pm. Then she sat on her bed. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something familiar with Dipper. Especially his deep, dark blue eyes. Then the princess ran out of her dorm and locked it. Down the halls, the princess ran. Some people waved to her and others stared. Mabel didn't really care what people did. She only cared about where she was going. Finally, after walking just a few miles, Mabel reached the castle. As soon as she stepped inside, Grunkle Ford greeted her. "What have you come for, my niece?" asked the king calmly. Mabel then tugged on his hand and ran up to the wooden room they had previously been in before. "What do you need to tell me? I'm very busy right now Mabel" said Grunkle Ford. He sat down in a chair, his golden crown shining.

"There's just something familiar about Dipper. The way his eyes change colour-"

"Wait what?"

"They change from yellow slits to a dark blue normal eye"

"You know that isn't normal even for a demon Mabel"

"It isn't?"

"Not that we know of. Then again, not many studies have been conducted on demons"

Mabel nodded. This demon seemed like a mystery wrapped up in a mystery. "May I take a look at pictures, pre-fire era?" asked Mabel. Her grunkle looked surprised but then nodded. "Why, just out of curiosity?" he asked as he flipped through old photo books. "I just am curious about my brother. The one who died in the fire" Mabel said sorrowfully. She was 3 when the fire raged through the house. Mabel remembered orange flames and screaming but other than that, it was all fuzzy. "Well you and your brother were twins and you both were adorable together," said a smiling Grunkle Ford. Mabel laughed and then said, "I already know that Grunkle Ford. But what about his features?" Ford sighed and showed her a photo. In the photo, there was a boy and a girl holding hands side by side. The girl wore a pink dress and a bow and the boy wore a navy shirt and shorts. They both had brown hair and small noses. However, the girl had brown eyes and the boy had blue eyes. Dark blue eyes. Mabel noticed this and stared at the color picture harder. "This just reminds me of something. Perhaps a lost memory" Mabel said dreamily as she stared at the picture. But how would it be possible for Dipper to have the exact same eyes as her dead brother? Then Mabel walked to her dorm. Dipper was already on the other side of the room when she walked in. "Could you meet me under the bleachers at 3:00 pm on Wednesday?" asked Mabel softly. "To do what?" asked the demon. "It's a secret," said Mabel, her voice ringing out. Dipper felt the cookie in his back pocket. He should give it to her wherever Mabel wanted him to go. Then Dipper took off his boots once more. "Sure Mabel. It's not like I have anything better to do" Dipper mumbled. He heard Mabel squeal and he rolled his eyes. Maybe an optimist was all he needed in his life. An optimistic girlfriend to be precise. 

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